25-01-2021 08:07 PM
As EE seem to no longer be able to supply these 5g routers I have bought one that is unlocked for use on any network. I have a Pay Monthly 1TB 5G EE plan. I've tried the SIM in my iPhone 12 and it immediatley connects to 5G and I get really fast 5G upload and download speeds.
But when I put this SIM into my Huawei router I only get 4G. The 5G light on the front of the router is on (solid green) so I know its found a 5G signal and when I log into the router it shows me that it has detected a strong 5G signal, but when I go to
- Network Settings
- Mobile Network Searching
- Network Search mode (and set this to manual)
It only lists 4G Networks, there is no mention of the EE 5G Network that I know is available.
Have EE blocked 5G wifi routers that were not purchased from themselves?
Appreciate any help
20-04-2021 09:51 PM - edited 20-04-2021 09:55 PM
Couple of things to check first off, on the Router have you unknowingly switched off 5G, or set the 5G Network to SA, default settings are SA and NSA.
Second on the the 4G side have you lost Carrier Aggregation somehow ( 4G+, LTE A) it's unlikely 5G will kick in without CA on a NSA Network, which EE is.
When using External Antenna(s) on the CPE the MiMo will reduce to 2x2 from the Routers Internal 4x4, so is there an issue with your Antenna Setup.
Is Band 1800 and or 2100 / 2600 working from the 5G Site, if its 800 only again unlikely to give 5G.
EE Network, has EE added more 5G upgrades or Additional 5G Masts in the Area.
Can you do the Huawei Signal Status API check (I've mentioned this a few posts up) and report back your signal readings.
20-04-2021 10:33 PM
hi thank for getting back to me.
no 5G isn't turned off. despite me using my own selected frequency bands i have factory reset the router sever times to confirm its not a config issue.
no CA is working fine on 2600 & 1800
as previously mentions i modify these routers and convert the internal antennas for external use. i am using 4x4 MIMO on 4G and 2x2 MIMO on 5G on external antennas.
i am not sure if they have added new 5G masts recently, i wont know without taking a drive out but from what i can see from their coverage checker id presume not.
here is my API
311 7534087 -5.0dB -87dBm -57dBm 25dB 7 20MHz 20MHz PPusch:1dBm PPucch:-1dBm PSrs:1dBm PPrach:2dBm mcsUpCarrier1:28 mcsDownCarrier1Code0:27 mcsDownCarrier1Code1:27 DL:3350 UL:21350 1 46042 7 23430 0 25600 26800 TM[3] 0029430 32639 32639 2560000kHz 2680000kHz
20-04-2021 10:37 PM
@istis1st84 wrote:
my router reports 90% signal 5G and 100% 4G but its not connecting to 5G anymore.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "not connecting to 5G"? Are you seeing lack of data throughput, or is there another symptom?
Also as general advice - you've posted your mobile number on a public internet forum. I'd edit that out if the mods don't beat you to it, that's an open invitation for spammers to use that number for whatever purposes they fancy.
20-04-2021 10:42 PM
yup the router can see 5G signal but its not negotiating a link. No 5G light or signal indicators or throughput.
it has been working fine for months with my modification and external antennas and one day 2 weeks ago it disconnected from 5G and never returned since.
i can only assume EE have some maintenance ongoing that's preventing the NSA negotiation or Huawei have done something to the router.
20-04-2021 11:01 PM - edited 20-04-2021 11:04 PM
Your getting good 4G Signals there, but no info on the API re 5G, that's not always an issue as the 5G Huawes can be a bit lazy to report 5g, some have to try a couple of times or just wait .
On The Router Web Dashboard page, on the Home Screen is it showing the Two different 4 and 5G signals in blue or just 4G, if it's just 4G is there an exclamatin mark in Yellow where the 5G should be or is it just blank above 4G?
You say your using frequency Band selection on the Router, why are you doing this, or are you trying to Band Select to get a different Registration on another Mast, please explain and confirm which Bands your Adding or removing in detail. Also in what Software are you using to do the Band Selection, is it an Mobile App, if so which one, there's quiet a few out there some good some not. Also with this Band Selection Software or App can you select things like 2G,3G,4G Only and Auto etc.?
20-04-2021 11:04 PM
@istis1st84 wrote:
i can only assume EE have some maintenance ongoing that's preventing the NSA negotiation or Huawei have done something to the router.
Based on what you've explained, that's certainly a feasible suggestion among others.
Do you have an EE 5G phone at all? Does that have similiar issues?
20-04-2021 11:21 PM
Tried several times on the API still nothing for 5G
The routers UI showing 2 separate indicators for 4G and 5G (4G 100% 5G 90%
As for the bands I purposely selected 2600 and 1800 as this is the mast i have aligned my 4G antennas towards the mast thats nearest and offering CA on these bands. Also doing this eliminates noise crested by other frequencies not needed increasing signal and speeds.
I'm not using an app to manipulate this I'm using pc software that offers all DL and UL selection with 3G, 4G 5G and 5G+4G and 4G+5G selection however I select the UL and DL bands I desire but leave network selection on auto. Was working fine like this for months with no issues until now. But I have tried factory resetting the Huawei to see if its a configuration issue but no avail.
20-04-2021 11:24 PM
I haven't been out and tested with my phone yet as I assumed it was a network issue so didn't see the need to to test with my phone however I will investigate further.
That said I was at sandbay at the weekend and noticed my phone was trying to connect to 5G but also couldn't establish a link (flashing 5G indicator and falling back to 4G), I just wrote that off as bad signal being on the beach but thinking twice about it now maybe it wasn't?
20-04-2021 11:42 PM
According to your API results the Mast your registered to is in Lower Kewstoke Road with Bands 3, 7 and 20 is this the one you normally connect to, or more to the point the one you used to or are trying to connect to via your 4G Aerials
20-04-2021 11:47 PM
At the risk of stating the obvious, any network issues would be likely to affect phones & modems in equal measure.
If router software is the issue, your phone won't be similarly affected.
If there is a network issue, then proving it on your phone will likely be simpler with less variables to eliminate.