21-06-2024 01:26 PM
Wanted to raise a discussion topic for those who live in and around Clapham Common, mainly the West side in the Broomwood and Northcote Road areas.
In such a built-up area, it’s understandable that coverage may be patchy given the lack of space to build phone masts. Both 5G and 4G are satisfactory outdoors around the common perimeter but as soon as you turn a corner into any of the residential streets, your phone will drop to 1-2 bars. As soon as you step indoors coverage is almost non-existent.
I have WiFi calling enabled but if my broadband goes down, it’s a struggle for me to get anything done. It makes me wonder why I’m paying so much for a phone plan if I get such poor reception. Does anyone else in the area have this problem?
Is there any way to put forward a request to EE to add small-cell sites along the Broomwood Road & Northcote Road areas?
28-10-2024 11:10 AM
Hi Katie,
I've reported this multiple times in the last few months but they say there is no issue in the area. Can we escalate this further please as I feel the lack of service in the area needs to be addressed with actual plans to improve it with a mast or small cell. Or I would prefer to be reimbursed or let out of my contract. I am not receiving the service I am paying for.
Kind Regards,
28-10-2024 03:09 PM
Hi @racho_.
I understand how frustrating this must be.
Our technical care team have the ability to look into this further and raise a ticket for the relevant team.
The team will also be able to discuss any compensation requests.
01-11-2024 11:20 AM
I just moved to West Clapham (between the Commons) as well and I can no longer make or receive phone calls from my home. I would love to call 150 to discuss, but I don't have any service to do so. I was hoping to come to a resolution but it seems like the only thing to do is switch providers.
01-11-2024 11:22 AM
If you find an alternative provider with good service, please post! My neighbours have recommended Vodafone and BT!
01-11-2024 11:26 AM
Hi Katie, as I expected, I reported it on the service status page and they got back to me saying there was no issue. Whatever technology EE has in the area is not adequate for the area and cannot provide coverage in the area. I would like to request this be escalated higher so that we can get some tech teams here to upgrade the sites.
01-11-2024 11:27 AM
BT uses EE's network so I would advise against it. For mobile, it seems Vodafone is generally decent in the area
01-11-2024 03:14 PM
@hello79 wrote:
I can no longer make or receive phone calls from my home. I would love to call 150 to discuss, but I don't have any service to do so. -
WiFi-calling is ideal for this.
01-11-2024 03:20 PM
Hi Bristolian, I don’t think this should be a default to fall back on for a mobile phone operator. In cases where the internet goes down, what WiFi do we have to rely on?
Also this does not fix the poor coverage outdoors in the area either, I’m afraid
01-11-2024 03:48 PM
@racho_ wrote:
Hi Bristolian, I don’t think this should be a default to fall back on for a mobile phone operator. In cases where the internet goes down, what WiFi do we have to rely on?
When you do have a working internet connection, then using WiFi-calling is surely better than having no service. This is true whenever & wherever the coverage issue arises.
01-11-2024 08:56 PM
@racho_ If you look at the EE coverage, our area is rated "good outdoors, poor indoors" so EE knows the problems exists, they just don't care. I went to Vodafone and Three today and both pulled up their maps that said good coverage indoor and outdoor in our area. They also have a two week trial to ensure the coverage works.