Call internet issuss


Really frustrated cant make calls and send messages when out and about and can only send messages when connected to wifi was on chat to ee then got cut of nearly 2 hours still not resolved!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @Steohanjec77 

  • Are you EE PAYG or pay monthly contract.
  • Are you in the UK.
  • Have you tried restarting your device.
  • What device do you have and did you get this from EE.

Have you checked for local network issues?


To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone. You can call Freephone +44 800 079 8586 on Skype

EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

Yes I am in UK tried everything so annoying 🙃 was on message to EE got cut of cant make calls send or receive texts but can use WhatsApp via WiFi I have a Samsung s10 only started yesterday

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

WhatsApp & other messaging apps don't route their "calls" through the mobile network in the same way, but as pure data traffic - so all this proves is that your phone had a working internet connection.

Can you be a bit more specific on what you mean by "tried everything"? What, exactly, has been tried thus far? Does your phone show a mobile network connection?

I have updated my software turned my phone on and off tired airplane mode and turned back on, took sim out put back in sim was updated by EE. There is network showing turned my phone of last night switched on and still can't make a call all it shows is calling but its not ringing 

EE Community Support Team

Did you check the status of the network in your area on the coverage checker, @Steohanjec77? Are we aware of any issues in your area?
