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Re: Excessive data usage in just 12 hours?!!


Sorry to hijack this thread but I am also experiencing unexplained high data usage.  And I have also just upgraded to a new higher data contract.  Previously I would barely use 6gb per month, whereas I have apparently used a massive 7GB in the past 24 hours.   The EE app and website is saying I've used 10.3GB since the beginning of the month.  I work from home on the WiFi and have not been out over the past couple of days.    It's super reliable high speed WiFi and never drops.  


My usage seems to have made a massive jump since I renewed my contract on 29th June.  Have you renewed recently?

No, ours was the BT change over to EE through BT, so that was 5mnths now, not happy with them at all.

@Christopher_G thanks.  I spoke to the team through chat and sounds like something is definitely amiss somewhere.  They said they have checked the history and are saying I have used 6GB of YouTube data from the 10th-12th July.   I know for a fact this cannot be the case as I don't use YouTube much, especially when I'm out of the house.

I've checked two other sources of data usage history.  The one on the phone App Data Usage says I've used 461MB of YouTube mobile data since 2nd July:


And then YouTube itself reports hardly any usage on the 10th, and around 45 mins on the 11th (but I was at home all day so that would have been WiFi data anyhow):


So something is certainly off. 

Seems I'm not the only one with this issue.    I noticed this thread has a similar issue: 


If you call or chat to customer services they can check what app the bulk of the data usage is coming from.  They said I've used 6GB of YouTube data in 2 days, which I know for sure is not the case as I don't use it much.  Something is wrong with their systems or we are being scammed out of data.

Yes. I have 21 months left in a new 24 month sim only contract. It's happened on 2 of the 3 months so far.

Have they sorted your problem out?

I am still trying to deal with it through chat after a failed



I got given free unlimited data this month to fob me off as they say YouTube is the cause of the data usage even though I hardly use it.  I suspect I'm going to go over my tariff again and run out of data next month.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi all on this thread, same here, EE is saying I have used 1.4GB a day I was mostly on wi-fi, no phone updates on that day either. They say they cannot see the breakdown as they are 'unclassified'. Phone usage breakdown gives a much lower total data usage. It is something that happened to me in September and also back in June.  I can see this is happening to a few of us, so it must be a glitch or something in EE's system...!? Lucia

I've had this happen 3 times, with BT Mobile which uses EE network, May, June & August. So far this month all good but I do have a new phone as BT Executive Complaints suggested it could be my phone. When it happened in August, Executive Complaints were able to see when I supposedly used the data and they said it was very odd as it showed my phone connected to the mast at 12:50am through to 12 noon the following day, seriously who is on You Tube for nearly 12 hours all through the night and more so when data was 100% turned off and You Tube had been disabled since it happened in June. I made them aware of the sheer volume of customers on BT Mobile & EE that are having the same issue. Everyone gets told the same thing, that its excess You Tube usage which in my case is nonsense as 10 mins tops in a week as I allow my granddaugher some nursery rythmns etc. but only ever at home on wifi. Some users on this thread have been told that EE are aware of an issue whereby You Tube is taking double or more data and some have had their data given back. The fact that EE staff monitor this Community Forum (Leanne T) you would one of them would take ownership of this issue and get to the bottom of it, if not EE & BT Mobile will be losing customers. 

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @lubru and @Lesley1958,

Sorry we can't access you account via the community forum.

Our Technical Support Team are best placed to look into this for you.

