Portable WiFi 4g mini using data when switched off


I have spent five days going back and forth with various members of the EE tech team trying to resolve this issue. On 15th May I set up my new portable WiFi at work. This was a new contract to replace my old one as it was the best way to save money and ensure that if the router stopped working it would covered under warranty. Previously my average monthly usage has been 3-4GB, so the contract has 5GB of data.

Within three days the 5GB suddenly disappeared and I had no data. Thought nothing of it and gifted 5GB from my mobile plan. 24 hours later that had gone too, on a weekend, when I wasn't at work and nothing was connected to the router as my laptop was at home with me.

I called the EE tech team and was told they were aware of a problem with routers eating data and it would be fixed. They added a further 20GB to the account.

The following day the data was still going down while nothing was connected to the router. I called again, did a hard reset on the router, further data was added to my account and the woman I spoke to agreed to call me to check in four days later.

After two days, I was down to just 1.8GB remaining. My average daily usage is 30-40 minutes and I just download documents totalling about 40MB and check emails. Very low data usage, no social media, no video streaming. So I called again. My usage log was pulled up. Netflix, You Tube, TikTok, Snapchat, Amazon, various Apple services (I have Android), starting in the evening until the early hours and often also at 6-7am. None of these were me. It was suggested that someone was sitting outside my office using my router. If you saw where the office is you would realise how impossible that is. But no, supervisors were adamant someone had guessed the router password or had broken into my office. The password was changed and a callback agreed for the next day.

That was yesterday. I had turned the router off when I saw the data going down at the rate of roughly 1GB an hour again, and yet it continued. By the time I spoke to the tech team again, another 8GB had gone. Once again, the supervisor was adamant someone was physically connecting to the router. They must have had access to the office (and clearly my brain too seen as the password was changed to something only I knew). I was to do another hard reset and change the password again. The adviser was not authorised to cancel the SIM and reissue it. More data was added to my account but it is maxed out now.

Since that phone call yesterday, the router has had the SIM card removed and have remained switched off. I also brought it home with me. There is not a chance anyone can connect to it. Yet despite that, another 4GB has come off my account. I have another call today, the person I spoke to four days ago, and the person I spoke to yesterday will be calling me tomorrow.

I am at a loss. At this rate I am going to go into work on Tuesday and have no data to do my job. Over 50GB has been used in 11 days. One important thing to note is that when I opened the router, the security seal was broken. The bag was intact and as it was a flimsy box I assumed it must have been damaged in transit. Now, I actually think that the person who put that router into the bag, opened the box and has cloned the SIM card inside before sending out.

Has anyone had any experience of something similar?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @DelilahBucket 

Go into EE and ask for a new SIM. Or speak to EE and ask for a new SIM. 

As far as I know data usage stats are not real time, as a result data may decrease later to catch up with the data which was used. Also data is not just downloaded but uploaded data, if you're connected to devices any apps, firmware will all use the internet. 

I would suggest obtaining another SIM first if you're worried about cloning, although possible is very rare. 


To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone. You can call Freephone +44 800 079 8586 on Skype

EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

Thank you for your reply. The usage is happening in the middle of the night when nothing is connected to the device and it has been turned off. I appreciate that the app usage isn't real time, but it isn't far off, having gin

After a sixth phone call this morning, someone has finally seen sense and agreed that a SIM replacement is the best course of action. I have been trying to push for this to happen for two days.

I don't think SIM cloning is very rare at all. A lot of people have unlimited data plans so wouldn't even notice, and at the end of the day, the box containing the router and SIM had clearly been tampered with before it was put into the mailing bag and sent to me.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for coming back with your update, @DelilahBucket 

Keep us posted on what happens with the replacement SIM.



I just wanted to update. Since the SIM was blocked yesterday morning there has been no further data usage, so it looks like it had definitely been compromised.

EE Community Support Team

I'm not sure that's evidence that the SIM was compromised, @DelilahBucket. Hopefully this issue doesn't happen with the new SIM.



Really? So it's normal for someone else to be using my data to stream (and yes these were all the sites that were on my "user experience" report) Netflix, TikTok, You Tube, shop on Amazon, use Snapchat and Apple One, when the actual SIM isn't even in a router, let alone the thing being switched on. This has been going on for 13 days, every day, at the same times, ploughing through 8-10gb of data each 24 hour period. So the SIM is blocked and suddenly it all stops. It must be a miracle then! Either that or the SIM itself has a penchant for streaming services, not someone who thought they were getting a really good data deal off their mate who knows someone.

If that SIM had unlimited data I'd be none the wiser. Food for thought. I bet a lot of other people would be surprised if they could see the usage on their accounts.


Hi Bud,I think you are talking about the portable Wi-Fi Router,Basically a hotspot,Had the same question and told that it will ping EE Every so often just like any mobile phone and it’s literally a couple of KBs that you would never notice,same answer I believe as you,if Data is going down without use then someone is accessing the router,told them no chance,router at home with me ,only person accessing and same answer or somones hacking it thats guessed or overheard you,not a chance here personally after ringing EE Twice don’t think either person had a clue,Stock answer,You or someone else is using it,also googled it and all answers from different mobile companies say same,only uses a couple of kbs for a second each time it pings a tower,hope that helps