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Feature request - recurring data gifting feature


I've seen a few posts about this, generally archived. I have an account with >100gb each month, with my wife on it and my daughter. Each month I have to manually go and gift 33gb to them. I usually forget and they run out and I'm usually in a meeting or busy and they and I are inconvenienced. When I go to fix it I have to remember the account password, the myee app often hangs, it's annoying. As a customer I would love the ability to set a gift amount that is automatically applied every month. It's my number 2 annoyance about ee. How are such requests taken into the myee product backlog?


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@jasonhowells   This is to help other users to get through till the monthly cycle starts again.   It’s gifting your spare data it’s not a shared data allowance that you could setup a set limit each month to automatically transfer over.  

Why don’t you setup the my EE app to use whatever biometric your device supports. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Thanks for the response Chris, I have got biometric set up, it rarely works on myee app though. 

I don't understand the point 'This is to help other users to get through till the monthly cycle starts again' . So not providing an automatic recurring optional facility is to help other users? I'm glad my bank hasn't decided to be so helpful when it comes to recurring payments. 😂

EE Community Support Team

Morning @jasonhowells

Thanks for coming to the community and leaving the suggestion for recurring data gifting. 

Have a lovely weekend. 


Thanks, you too Leanne.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks very much @jasonhowells

Leanne 🙂

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

This is a great suggestion, I have a few lines, one with UL data and move data from the main line to my other on a monthly basis.

Rules could be set around the amount of data auto-shared. It could be set so it's not more than 50% of the overall allowance or giftable data so that the main number on the account doesn't leave themselves short (for example).

Hi Garetc yes the 50% rule/limit would work for me. Or a standing 10gb gift to wife, 20gb to daughter. (I have a 100gb contract, wife and daughter only get 500mb each month)


I’ve seen this feature be requested many times and EE ignore it.  Really wish they’d listen to their customers!

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for posting and sharing feedback for data gifting @DJSteveyB 

If anything changes for data gifting in the future you will be made aware. 

Thanks 🙂
