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Data usage double what I'm using



The data usage on My EE is showing double what I'm using on my samsung phone.

I'm using EE's recommended data usage  monitoring App 'My Data Manger' and this mornings test I only had spotify active for syncing playlists  and it used 594MB (see attached) and this was consistent with Samsung's data usage monitor.

However I checked MyEE before and after my spotify session and it showed I used 1.3GB !

This has been a constant issue this month but tech support say that can't do anything about it

What do I do next 


Screenshot_20230716-125340_My Data Manager.jpg

EE Community Support Team


Thanks for coming to the community. 

If you text BALANCE to 150, does your remaining data allowance show the same as My EE? 

Speak soon 🙂



I text AL to 150 it shows the same usage is my EE.

This issue has been going on for a while but only started analysing my usage in more detail when I used up my 20GB allowance last month when I normally do not exceed 10GB

It's not just a one off glitch

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

@PMEE - Have you tried adjusting the Spotify app settings for data usage?

Hi, spotify was just an example of how EE data usage is way in excess of 'My Data Manager' reported data usage.

I want EE data usage to reflect what I'm actually using  not double the amount 

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager


Our Technical Support Team will be happy to check your data usage is being reported correctly if you get in touch.



Thanks James , been doing that all week but not getting anywhere

Feedback has been

- some unclassified usage   guess that's the hotspot usage

- you need to use 'My Data Manager' app which I did and confirmed my data usage concerns

- tech support later said that my data manager is inaccurate

- I would have to get back to my hardware supplier to see if issue with phone

- theres nothing more tech support can do

My final thought - there must be a standard EE test that customers can perform and then check with My Data Manager app and then MyEE

Standard EE test could provide a fixed download amount e.g 250MB which can then be checked against usage data




EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager


Sorry, there isn't a specific download test available via our Technical Support Team.

I'd recommend following their advice and reaching out to the manufacturer. They may be able to offer some advice on why the data usage in your settings doesn't include all data that is passing through the mobile network.



Both the standard data usage facility on my Samsung phone and your recommended 'my data manager' app are consistent in the displayed mobile data usage. 

Can EE technical support provide a breakdown of what apps are using the data for a given day ?

I've been on wifi all day today except during  another test with spotify via mobile. I downloaded 625MB mobile data via spotify this morning and it cost me 1.5GB according to MyEE ??

Where has 0.9GB gone ??


EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager


Our Technical Support Team are best placed to help you with this.

We're not able to access your account via the community forum.
