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Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hello community can anyone here recommend any decent new films or series worth watching.  ?

EE Community Support Team

Good morning @Calvinmiller76.

I've not actually watched a movie for a while now. 

However, I do love 'dog'. 

It's about a military dog, not sure if you have seen it?


Ok cool I'll try and check it out.  Thx for replying Katie_B have a good weekend. 

EE Community Support Team

Be sure to let me know what you think @Calvinmiller76

Have a great day, 

Katie 🙂

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Big Sky on Netflix.  3 series totally gripping binge watched 2 complete series (with she who must be obeyed) over 1 weekend.  Just tea and biscuits breaks 😆 

Ok cool thx for replying Apache77. I'll try and check it out. Have a good weekend 

EE Community Support Team

I love Big Sky @Apache77 it really is worth a watch @Calvinmiller76 

I am watching The Traitors at the minute, the US version now as the UK series was amazing, definitely recommend!

Leanne 🙂

Ok cool I'll try and check it out.  Thx leanne_T have a great weekend. 😜

EE Community Support Team

Thanks @Calvinmiller76 

Have a lovely weekend too 🙂


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Been enjoying Criminal Minds: Evolution which had its series finale yesterday on Disney+, though if you've never seen it before, there's 16 series to watch if you have some time on your hands!

Also Big Sky, and will be starting series 2 of Slow Horses on Apple TV this weekend if I manage to ever get off this conference call where I've said nothing for hours.