why do do on chat line operater doesn't listen,


we are having problems not even able to phone on FREE numbers, but chat operater keeps saying we have to phone.

LISTEN we cannot phone out , calls failing all the time,  

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @mazz60,

Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂

If your issue requires a call to our Technical Support Team, you can call on 07953 966 150 from any phone.

If it's a mobile signal issue, you could also try making the call using WiFi Calling.




How do I contact on line support as I cant ring out on any number or receive calls aswell 

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @arfanarasul2312 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Do you have a query we can help you with on the community? 

You can find contact details in our Contact EE page, including numbers you can call from any other phone. 

Thanks 🙂


I am astonished that there is no simple Chat facility on this site, as is the norm almost everywhere else.  I am fed up trying to get through to EE on the phone, being told that I need to hold on for half an hour and then being cut off just as the half hour is up - possibly because my phone is by then out of charge.  I came on here hoping to find a Chat facility where I could speak to a Company representative, not other people like myself who are simply  customers.  

I'm really missing BT. 


EE Community Support Team

Hi @Patricia75 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Do you have a query we can help you with on the community? 

Chat will show in your EE app within the Help section if this available for your account. 
