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Why is the EE website so broken?


Hi all, first time poster here.

Why is the EE website so garbage? I'm here trying to spend some money with this company I've used for my broadband for the last 6 years, and every page I come to is saying,

"Sorry, looks like a technical error"

How many technical errors can this site have? Why does EE not want me to upgrade my deal? How much really does Kevin Bacon get paid for these ads?

Do the admins of this actually have a say in order to fix this website? Or would this be easier talking to someone on the phone like a 50 year old?

plz hep


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This is a community forum. Sneering at age doesn’t get you off on the best foot.

EE Fibre 900 via SH+ with 2 Extenders, EE TV Pro & Mini boxes, 2 EE SIM's only, all originally BT, and wishing it still was.
LG Oled, Denon/Cambridge Audio 7.1, Panasonic 4K player, Apple TV 4K
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If you are trying to see your Broadband upgrade plans, you would need to get in touch with EE as you are currently on the Legacy EE system which has since been replaced with New EE Broadband at the end of last year.

I believe they are working on an online migration system but is not yet available. They could probably build in a message to tell you this but haven't done so yet.

The new product has been launched for about a year now so they are gradually migrating customers as they come out of contract and call up or go in store to renew. 

If you get in touch with EE Broadband they'll be able to point you in the right direction and get you migrated onto a new plan on the new system.