07-07-2023 10:34 PM
Why is the EE app so bad. I find the user interface to be the worst I have ever known.
You cannot do hardly anything from within the app.
It needs a massive re think
08-07-2023 07:49 AM
Good morning @JoshSpencerUk.
I am sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with the app.
Is there anything in particular you are trying to do that you find you cannot?
08-07-2023 05:05 PM
No I just think its an awful app always has been and EE seem to have thought very little about it. With others networks you can do an awful lot more. With EE you can't
08-07-2023 05:26 PM
@JoshSpencerUk Like what ? What can you not do that you need the app to do ?
08-07-2023 05:41 PM
You can't see real time data usage, only what you have left.
You can't upgrade, downgrade, pay bills, you can't shop for additional plans. It all takes you out of the app.
Even when you're making changes to your plan it takes you our of the app onto the website.
It's slow clunky and seems very outdated. I don't like it never have.
08-07-2023 07:08 PM
@JoshSpencerUk The app is only portal to your account and you are still doing those things are you not ? As for data usage you can see what you’ve used and what you have left EE don’t track what you’re using it on and provide that information. Your phone does show that information.
It’s not slow for me so it’s not clunky.
If you don’t like it why not just login to your online account via your device you don’t have to use the app you do have a web browser on your device.
08-07-2023 07:13 PM
Yeah I get what you're saying but other companies do let you do everything in app. The future is applications.
It's 2023 and I don't think EE is looking to thr future. I do get what you're saying though but I feel its just inadequate for a digital age.