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I can't login to my phone app



I'm having trouble logging into my the EE app. I have to enter a passcode sent to my email, which I can do, and then a passcode sent to my phone number, but that passcode never comes through. My face ID has stopped working, so I can't access it that way either.

My phone has stopped recognising my SIM, meaning that I have no signal and I can't turn on wifi calling to call anyone, and this could also by why the passcodes aren't coming through.

Does anyone know other ways of accessing the app ? I've been trying for about an hour and I'd really appreciate some help.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star
  • The passcode sent to your email is to validate your email addy/user name when registering your EE a/c.
  • The passcode sent to your phone is to validate your phone no. when linking your SIM..
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EE Community Support Team

Hi @laurabeaumont_ 

Welcome to our community.

If your SIM isn't working you won't be able to receive the PIN to log in to the app. Have you been able to try your SIM in another phone to see if it's the SIM at fault?
