14-07-2024 01:02 PM
I find the UI here hateful.
Are there any plans to make it more like the BT Community?
Both are Khoros, so the underpinnings should be the same, despite its chameleon-like ability to appear very differently depending how the skinning is done.
09-08-2024 06:28 PM - edited 09-08-2024 06:32 PM
The topics listed in All Topics are listed in order of the most recently raised/started. So that New EE TV Box Pro finding no channels in Internet Mode is well down the list as it was raised 2 months ago. Whereas How much is EE TV is near the top as it was only raised yesterday. This All Topics list is useful in showing you what new topics have been raised lately.
The topics listed in individual forum lists, such as TV, are listed in order of the most recently replied to. These individual forum lists are useful in showing you what topics have been replied to lately.
09-08-2024 07:23 PM
Thank you for that. Is all this documented anywhere? And I still don’t know, short of the link you gave above, how anyone would access All Chat. I can see that’s its useful, for some purposes, to have a list of threads by start date, bur for myself, I’d make little use of it, preferring the convention of descending order of most recent post, augmented by the Unanswered Posts list.
And the lists I want to use are, as shown above, devoid of a reliable Unread mechanism when working down those lists. Even on a PC.
But now I know how the All Chat list works, I will lie in wait for an Unread post (where what is Unread isn’t just the very first posting) to see if it is boldened correctly.
So far though, I still think I am looking at lists where you think the Unread mechanism is working, and I don’t, and I have posted examples of it not working for me.
My current hypothesis is that a thread title is emboldened when the whole thread is unread, but if the thread is partially read and partially unread, then the emboldening does not happen. There might be a subtle variation on this, with the emboldening being based on the read/unread status of the first posting, but it would be tricky, though perhaps not impossible, to differentiate here.
Be good if the issue can be bottomed and fixed, though.
09-08-2024 07:38 PM
The order & layout of topic lists is controlled by My Settings > Preferences.
As I can't see what you see & I'm never confused by Unread/Read markers I'm unable to add anything further.
10-08-2024 09:38 AM - edited 10-08-2024 09:41 AM
Thank you for your continued guidance; I value it.
I have looked at My Settings/Preferences, and everything is set to the default. Though I did find, under Linear, the Jump To First Unread Option, which I have now turned on, so that should be a useful find.
I’m using Linear; I don’t know if you are, and if not, whether using Threaded is why you aren’t seeing what I’m seeing?
Another thing I have found is that in the little chevron-in-a-circle top right on a posting, there is the option to Mark As Unread. Armed with this, I can go into any thread I like, read it completely, and then go back and mark one or more postings as Unread.
If I mark any posting or postings as Unread, the thread then appears in the list of Unread Postings. But only if I have marked the first posting as Unread (whether I mark any other postings in the thread as unread or not) does it appear as emboldened in the list view.
Anyone can easily try this, to see if they get the same result as me.
And assuming it’s not specific to me - as @DarrenDev says he’s seen it - or even if it is, the issue is that emboldening in the list view for unread postings, is erroneously being driven off whether the first posting in the thread is unread or not, and not, as is the case with the Unread list, driven off whether any posting in the thread is unread or not.
As it should be.
@NickBS if whoever is looking at this bug can repeat what I see, as above, this might be a useful first step to figuring out what to change, or have Khoros change, so it works as it should, like the Unread list, and indeed like the approach taken on the BT Community.
10-08-2024 04:10 PM
@Midnight_Voice wrote:
If I mark any posting or postings as Unread, the thread then appears in the list of Unread Postings. But only if I have marked the first posting as Unread (whether I mark any other postings in the thread as unread or not) does it appear as emboldened in the list view.
Yes, you're right about that but it still appears in the list of Unread Topics in all cases. Not seen that before.
10-08-2024 05:06 PM
Yes, and that’s what I rely on to keep me abreast of things - the list of postings where anything has been added that I haven’t read (particularly in threads I haven’t participated in, as I get notified about the ones I have, like this one), and not just the new threads that have been added since I last looked.
So that’s why I work off the Unread list; though I’d actually prefer to work off the main list, if only the threads with anything unread were properly boldened.
11-08-2024 06:14 AM
As I said I've never seen that before. Thinking about it further & having browsed the topics some more I can I've only seen that when you manually unread a post, not for new posts.
So I will continue to put my trust in individual forum lists & All Topics.
11-08-2024 09:57 AM
A new post made on an existing thread on a List will cause that thread’s title to appear on the associated Unread list, but the thread’s title will not be emboldened in the main List.
That’s the normal process which manually unreading a post enables me to emulate without disrupting any threads.
I could get the same effect (for other users) by adding a post to the thread, but that would be a bit antisocial.
Open a List, one you have not looked at for a bit, so further activity has taken place.
Without opening any threads, look at the associated Unread list.
Pick an entry there for which the corresponding entry in the main List is not emboldened. ideally one you had completely read before, and have a good idea what time that was.
You will find a post or posts made after the last time you looked at the thread, and these are what is causing them to appear in the Unread list.
As above, this is the normal process that marking a post unread emulates; it’s just a little harder to catch it happening naturally.
12-08-2024 08:06 AM
Good to hear you found the 'Jump to first unread post in a topic' setting @Midnight_Voice
Just so i'm clear - is the suggestion to have a read topics with new/unseen replies, show as bold/unread in the main topic lists? Or even just some sort of new/unread replies type marker?
@James_B - can you track this one to consider for optimisation please.
12-08-2024 08:47 AM - edited 12-08-2024 08:53 AM
Here’s an Unread display from Home Services - Broadband & Landline:-
And here are those top two topics in the List itself:-
‘Booster doesn’t Connect’ is shown in bold because the first posting in the thread hasn’t been read.
But ‘Two Week Review of EE 1.6gbs’ isn’t shown in bold because although it has a posting or postings I haven’t read, I have read the first posting.
I think it should be shown in bold if any postings in the thread are unread, i.e. it should use the same criteria for Unread as the Unread list does.
This is the criterion that the BT Community uses for boldening on its lists, and it works well there.