14-07-2024 01:02 PM
I find the UI here hateful.
Are there any plans to make it more like the BT Community?
Both are Khoros, so the underpinnings should be the same, despite its chameleon-like ability to appear very differently depending how the skinning is done.
14-07-2024 01:04 PM
This one is running the newer version. What don't you like about it?
15-07-2024 08:59 AM
A fair question that demands a fair answer. Bit busy at the moment, travelling, but I’ll work one up when I get some free time.
If this is the newer version, does that mean you are proposing to move the BT Community to this look? I do hope not…
15-07-2024 09:17 AM
I've just checked, and they're actually the same version now. I much prefer this community though - much faster to reply, as it adds the input directly to the screen with the full thread (whereas the BT community takes you to a new page, with just the single comment you're replying to). It's a little annoying that I have to log in so frequently, but other than that I like it (despite not being able to get kudos anymore).
18-07-2024 05:34 PM - edited 18-07-2024 05:37 PM
One to be going on with while I align my aquatic wildfowl 😛
This might be a bug….. but which of these posts haven’t I read?
If I look at the list of unread postings, it tells me I have something to read under ‘Issue with the EE app’, and this is true, but it should be indicated in the display I have screen-shotted by that title being bold; and it isn’t.
This is one of my beefs with the EE Community UI, that I have to use the ‘unread’ list because of the above issue, but it now occurs to me this may be a bug rather than a design issue, because sometimes the emboldening does work, and sometimes, as here, it doesn’t.
I’m using Safari on my iPad Pro; maybe it works fine on my laptop, but I can’t check that until next week. iPads can be a bit of a poor relation on Communities, I find, being portrait devices that aren’t quite mobiles and aren’t quite not.
Maybe someone at EE can check this out; and if it’s a bug, they can fix it, and I can cross it off my list?
(In the meantime, a plus point for the EE Community that I don’t have to shrink my images so I can post them, like I have to on the BT Community).
19-07-2024 07:29 AM
Ah yes, I've noticed that one myself - although I can't see an option to show the "unread list"? Where is that?
Regarding the bug - that's one for @NickBS
19-07-2024 08:58 AM
Thanks both. I'll get someone to take a look at this next week - and we can confirm expected behaviour for unread/read UX.
Maybe in relation to OP vs replies. But we'll take a look and we can raise a bug ticket if needed.
20-07-2024 01:55 AM
Threads containing unread posts should be in bold in that list. They are for me!
20-07-2024 07:17 AM
Even on mobile unread is bold and read is not.
the only post I’ve not read is the middle one.
20-07-2024 11:14 AM
@XRaySpeX @Chris_B @DarrenDev @NickBS
What browser(s) are you using?
It’s possible this issue only affects Safari - I haven’t managed to reproduce it on Chrome on this iPad so far.
And I have an issue on the Sony Community where formatting I try to apply - Bold, Italic, Underline - appears in the Reply as I type it, but does not appear in the Reply as then displayed in the list of postings. Though it’s still present, as if I Edit the post, it reappears in the post as I edit it. And then disappears again in the list of postings.
It’s as if there is some sort of erroneous format-suppressing bit of HTML up front. Makes me wonder if something similar might be happening here. Or might be a red herring… I can’t get any sense out of Sony on it, though; they aren’t responsive like you guys.
It never happens on the BT Community though; the boldening always works perfectly there, even in Safari.