26-07-2024 05:55 PM
Guys - don't pull your hairs out !!
Simple and easiest solution is to speak to an EE Customer Services Advisor and ask him to turn OFF the Voicemail Service on your landline number - As I did so myself today 26 July 2024 - so the incoming calls do not go to Voicemail. Also set the ring times to 10 Rings in your Landline EE Digital Phone Settings in your EE Account , and your Hands-Free Answerphone Machine to around 7 Rings. So the unanswered calls go first to the standalone answerphone machine before Voicemail.
The same number of 10 rings ( or maximum ) should be set on your Mobile Phone as well.
I use the Landline Digital Adapter from BT that plugs into any 3-Pin mains wall socket - for my Panasonic Hands-Free Answerphone machine. ( the adapter has to paired with your WiFi Smart Hub before connecting to the answerphone machine)
Hope this helps you all.