VAT invoice?


Hi, anyone know how to get a VAT invoice off EE? Yes, i have a regular account, not a business one. Ive just became vat registered but the bill is not an official VAT receipt (it even says on it / no vat no etc)






If EE are charging VAT on a service then EE are required to include the VAT number and display the VAT separately.

It shouldn't matter whether the customer has a business account or not.


I agree with trickymole, VAT is infact being charged and therefore EE are required to provide a VAT invoice showing their VAT number and the VAT charged separately.   

Has anyone got this resolved yet?


This has been going on for years.

BT are to big to fail so the governments not going to do anything, my advise is just go elsewhere.

Its legally 100% clear so how EE get away with this I don't know.

to quote:

How to charge VAT

When you sell goods or services, you must do the following:

  • work out the VAT-inclusive price using the correct VAT rate
  • show the VAT information on your invoice - invoices must include your VAT number and display the VAT separately
  • show the transaction in your VAT account - a summary of your VAT
  • record the amount on your VAT return

Everything BT touches turns to pooh.

They are doing the same thing to plusnet business.

Best regards soon to be Ex-EE customer.

Yeah this matters enough that people are leaving EE.

No it isn't anymore in the UK.  The VAT has to be correctly separated out.  This is a simple request and perfectly easily done.  Why can't EE issue this as a matter of course.  This is a real pain nowm