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Poor customer service


Despite two phone complaints and a conversation with Executive Customer Service, I am still being overcharged every month. I think they make it very difficult to get in touch so they can keep taking extra money and hope you won't notice. I am appalled and wish I could change companies. The Executive Customer service employee I spoke to said she would remove the package from my Broadband that was £11.  I  had never asked for this package, and it was put on my bill without my knowledge. She said it was fine, she would cut it down to the £5 package. Nothing has changed, so for 5 months now I have been paying this.  How do you get them to listen to you?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Fivewrite 

If you've spoken with our Executive Care Team already, do you have a contact you can reach out to about your query?

Getting in touch shouldn't be difficult at all, and I am sorry if this has been the case.

Have you tried to call us, or have you been trying to reach back out to the Executive Team directly? 




This is a response to Linzi, but although I was supposed  to click on the email to get through to her, it didn't work (like most other things that EE does. 

I no longer have the name of the person I spoke to in Executive Customer Care, and I don't have the phone number to get through directly. Every person you speak to wants you to repeat the long sorry saga, and I found t hat very stressful. If you can find ou t who I spoke  to  that would be good. 

IN addition I have changed my email address - t ried about three times and i t jus twon't change. TO me it appea rs that everything to do with EE is difficult to do. 


I have found where to respond now, but did start a new communication. I no longer have the name of the Executive Customer Service woman I spoke to but if you gave me a name I would know if it  was her!  It was on 12th September 2024. Shepromised to  reduce the amount I am paying as a package for digital phone calls from the home. I never ordered t his, so I should not have rebeen charged for it from June to October. 

IN addition I have tried three times to change my email address on the website. It looks as if it  has changed, but when I sign in I have to use th eold one. 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Fivewrite  this isn’t customer services and who ever Linzi is they will not see this message. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

@Fivewrite wrote:

I have found where to respond now, but did start a new communication.

Your duplicate thread has now been merged with your original one. Using the "reply" function on the forum will keep all your posts in the same place.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Fivewrite 

I'll send you private message. Please check your inbox and get back to me when you can.

