03-08-2024 12:21 PM
please how can I pay my EE bill from abroad.
I left the UK in April (10th of April), and the SIM card got lost so I do not have access to the app.
they’ve been sending mails to the UK address and I’ll really appreciate if i can get help paying the bill so this could be sorted.
03-08-2024 12:34 PM
Hi @Kelly19932.
Thanks for coming here.
If you do not have access to your EE account online I would recommend calling us.
Our customer care team can be contacted on +44 7953 966 250.
The team can also suspend your lost SIM and send a replacement to your UK address.
03-08-2024 12:40 PM
@Kelly19932 , you can also contact customer service using something like Skype for free using the free number in my signature.
03-08-2024 03:50 PM
@Kelly19932 : Try using Fast Payment online to pay by UK bank card. You don't need to login or register anything. All you need is your mobile no. & it doesn't remember your card details.