22-01-2024 01:04 PM
I have been paying for a sim that I don’t use for 2 years it’s finally at the end of the contract will I be charged or will my bill be just my new phone and sim
22-01-2024 01:12 PM
@DrewCroucher : Depends whether you upgraded to a new phone + SIM or whether you took out a new contract. Which was it?
22-01-2024 01:47 PM
22-01-2024 01:58 PM
You'll keep paying for the SIM-Only until you cancel it. You should've upgraded it to the phone + SIM.
These mobile contracts don't just end, just the min. term expires. They are not fixed term contracts. After the min. term they just carry on at the same price on a rolling 30-days' notice basis until you explicitly cancel, upgrade or port your no. away. There will however be a 10% discount after 3 months.