Contract withdrawal


I have purchased an iPhone 16 Pro Max on a 24-month contract from EE Network. I have already made two installments, and the third installment is due next month. However, I no longer want to continue this contract.


I also want to return the phone along with cancelling the contract.


If I want to withdraw from the contract, what would be the procedure?


Will there be any early withdrawal or cancellation fee? Will I need to make any payments to EE?


Also, will this have any impact on my credit score or credit history?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Sheraz5 

Welcome to the community.

If you are two months into the contract, you wouldn't have the option to return the phone now. This would only be possible in the first 14 days of the contract, if you purchased on the EE website or over the phone with our sales team.

You can cancel the contract at any time, but it would be subject to a remaining contract charge, as you have agreed to pay for the entire contract. This would be for the remaining contract period for the plan and phone and would need to be paid in one go if you decide to cancel.

To discuss cancelling the contract, you would need to speak to our customer service guides over the phone. 

As long as any payments are made on time, it would not show negatively on your credit file.

There is more on cancelling the contract, and how remaining contract charges are worked out, on our How do I cancel my contract with EE? page.


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Sheraz5  Monthly fee X number of months left in your contract term is roughly what you’ll need t pay to terminate early. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.