26-07-2022 02:37 PM
EE continually allowed my child to purchase £6.90 add-on, sometimes 12 times in 1 day; how can this happen??? I set up a block to prevent any additional charges.
Told I have to pay the full bill
26-07-2022 03:44 PM
What add-on? Do you mean a 3rd-party charge to bill? You can't spend cap those.
05-08-2022 05:26 PM
This was an ee roaming add on, not third party
05-08-2022 05:29 PM
05-08-2022 06:08 PM
add-on purchases are never included in the spend cap because you have to confirm you want to purchase them. If the person who has the phone confirms the purchase, it will get charged.
05-08-2022 06:33 PM
@Heatherd So it’s a contract sim/device that you gave to your child sorry to say this but unfortunately it’s your responsibility to make sure that this child doesn’t do something like this. It’s not EE responsibility as they don’t sell contracts to under 18s.
05-08-2022 07:45 PM
The EE £6.85 roaming add-on lasts a day. Would you really buy 12 of them in the same day?
28-10-2022 03:09 PM
Yes, this was 12 times on some days (we were away 10 days) . Apparently, he just kept running out of data in Turkey, so kept adding this continually. I am still not fully aware of the 'add-on' was. - But as a parent who makes EE aware this is being purchased for a child, and puts a spending cap on, I wouldn't have expected add ons to be sent to his phone at all. Very expensive lesson.
28-10-2022 04:31 PM
It's the Travel Data Pass for £6.85 a day for 500MB data in Turkey. So some days he was using 6GB! These can't be restricted by a spend cap.
As @Chris_B pointed out as you gave the phone to your child it is your responsibility what he does with it.