22-08-2024 08:27 AM
Good morning
22-08-2024 11:02 AM
@Jacqueline241 Mistakes happen and that is the object of notifying you, you were correct to call and the guide that you spoke with either did not know correctly or did not explain the situation good, but from your call to them it should stop the other order from proceeding any further, as you have no intentions of giving up your broadband/landline, You cannot block the order personally but EE can and that is what they should have done. They are not trying to take over your account per-say so it's either been wrong address or wrong landline number entered with the new order takeover. If you wish to complain i will send the link for you just post back and it will be done, this is a public forum with NO customer account information and customers like yourself trying to help or advise best we can. HTH
22-08-2024 01:02 PM
It is probably a mistake by someone ordering BB from any ISP but giving them the wrong phone no or addy, yours. You should have been given by EE 2 weeks notice of this takeover & the opportunity to refuse it. I should phone CS again & do so.