Xbox game pass


Since setting up our how broadband to EE and with faster speeds for gaming I can't seem to play any cloud gaming on my Xbox game pass, every game on there says lon queues ahead but loads of my friends who also pay Xbox don't have this issue. Any else had this problem that could help? I've spoke to Xbox and they have said it could be a broadband issue

Ok thank you so much
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@EmilyJones92  Just to give you an update from the Xbox side I did speak to other members of the Ambassador team who looked into your issue. We could find no obvious reason, although they offered the alternative of downloading the game to your xbox instead of using the cloud gaming option. But I'm guessing you've run out of space on your xbox which is why you're using the cloud gaming option in the first place.

Give me a chance to test your exact setup on Thursday and I'll report back. 🙂

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Hi @EmilyJones92 I've had a chance to run some tests and I get around 3 minutes of wait time on football manager, just an fyi.


Cloud gamingCloud gaming




so i downloaded it, :-


Full Fibre Busiest Home Bundle 1.6Gb.
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From the tests above, it's clear that downloading the game rather than using cloud gaming is the way to go. However I will say that  there is a potential issue within BT's network that IS affecting cloud gaming, although I don't have the time right now to look at peering to Microsoft's network or the correct contacts to escalate it to the right technical teams within the BT network. And believe me, i'd be like a dog with a bone if I had the contacts as this issue would be affecting me too.

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