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Very BAD from EE


While I was enjoying my holiday in New Zeland a member of EE contacted me suggesting and offering me a better deal for home Broadband. At that time I ad no interest of deals of any kind, because I was on the other side of the planet spending good time. So the lady said “fine I will call you again when you back in Uk” , I said “Yes please”. When I got back in UK I received a txt from EE telling me that my Home Broadband will be close down today. On that moment I dialed 150 asking why my broadband was shut down when I never gave the authorization. The lady could explain why, yet she said that someone from EE team contacted me twice….. (I was probably on the plane reaching home) yet their were not able to explain the reason of my broadband closure. And now thanks for their stupid mistakes I gotta start a new package of broadband with BT with a new land line phone number, and on top of this obliged to contact al those friends, colleagues, insurance, DVLA, hospital, GP, bills to update my contacts……😫 did I really need this???? Very BAD EE….. going down 👎👎👎👎👎

EE Community Support Team

Hi @OliverTwist1,

Welcome to the EE Community. 

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