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New Smart Hub Plus gives connected devices odd names


Trying to get to grips with my new "Smart hub plus" router (App version 1.13.1, firmware r1.35).

Connectivity is excellent. The user interface I'm having a number of issues with.

For example my ancient Acer laptop shows under "My Network" (via with a really odd name: "Vendor: Liteon Technology". Now my previous hub would have allowed me to edit that name (or remove the device). However I read here that "the EE App" would be required for that.

So having installed "the App" I was indeed able to rename to "Acer". The change however did not affect the name on "My Network", which still showed "Vendor: Liteon Technology".

So I foolishly(?) told the App to "forget this device". And of course it did. The laptop still connects just fine, still shows under "My Network", and still with the wrong name.

Q. Can I at least get "the App" to un-forget the device, come back everything is forgiven etc? I tried obvious re-boots, reconnects etc (everything short of factory reset). Having been told to forget a device actually seems to be more like a filter on displaying said device. Can this be undone?

(I'm trying to keep the question simple, but for the record there are actually multiple devices I'd like to rename for a number of reasons)



Just wanted to add the forgotten device did indeed come back as Jim predicted. Still different names between Web/App.

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@labrat128 What can one say. just got to find another way of working it out, or if you wish report it back to EE CS Technical Dept, it may be recorded already and down for a fix sometime in the future!

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I've just found a REALLY neat trick...

You have to rename 'devices', using the EE App (like you have any choice?)
In my instance, I'm using the Android Version.

The EE Android App seems(?) to associate 'Devices' with their MAC addresses.
And providing that the same Smart Hub 3 (SH31B) is being addressed, the App remembers the 'edited' device names.
SO - even if the SH31B is 'Factory Reset', the Android App remembers the Device 'Names' for that particular SH31B.

Our SH31B had to be remotely 'Factory Reset' by an EE Guide, due to Digital Voice issues.
The previously re-named Device Names reverted to 'default' on the Win10 Desktop-accessible Hub Manager.
BUT - the Android App retained the 'renamed' Device Names....

On a hunch, via the Android App, I selected the first device.
I pressed 'rename device' and added '1' to the end of the name of this first device.
I pressed 'Save'.
I then re-edited the name, removing the '1', and again pressed 'Save'.
I ended-up with this Device still showing its correct 'name' on the Android App as it was previously intended / saved.

BUT - the 'edited' name now appeared in the WIN10 Desktop-accessible Hub Manager as it did - before the 'Factory Reset'.

I repeated for all of the the other 20+ devices connected to our network (which took me ~5 minutes versus 50+ minutes to rename each one manually), and we're all now happy bunnies, chez moi.

Hope this helps?



Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Gelert5 Well done, at least the app was good for something, nearly as good as the missing backup out of the usb port, or save to file via web, oops forgot that they are missing, and as it takes so long just to get the router the way you want it, take it you have nothing missing between app/web, did you have any mac only naming on the router? Have virtually same as you but may be only difference have assigned IP's static and dread the factory reset as you say will take hours to get it all right again.

Do hope that the reset got the DV fault rectified, would be more interested in what that actual error was, do miss the landline but not going back to it until all of those current problems with EE's DV system are sorted out.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


I don't have need of the USB Port, and I've never used it - so I can't comment.
Save to file via Web? I regularly 'export' .csv files (e.g. Technical Logs) without issue - is that what you mean?
I have two NAS Drives with static IPs, and I didn't need to change anything on them after the Factory Reset, other than their names - same as the other 18+ Dynamic IP devices.
I'm currently running r1.35.0-R-1138091-PROD-83002.
The only difference might be that my SH31B is the very latest model which doesn't have a 'Broadband' RJ11(?) socket next to the Green ATA (phone) socket.

There is now nothing of importance missing or different between the app and the webpage - other than three spurious devices which I can only see on the app: an 'Apple Device' (we don't have any!), and two other un-identified devices. None of their MAC addresses come close to anything we own, so these three devices have been parked (quarantined! LOL!) in a Group now named 'Unknown Devices' and that Group's WiFi has been 'paused'...

The DV fault seems to have 'disappeared', and once it's been continuously running error-free for two weeks, I'll post details on the other page(s). Last update was 8th November, so less than a week to go.
I think that I can now guess at what the cause(s) of the intermittency might have been...

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Gelert5 Good to know that the static's held as expected, Backup/restore of the router was more of the meaning for the usb/web which is not even an option. Would not expect a SH31B/32B to behave that different, my fttc now on fttp have not observed any real change router wise, did have a couple of mac only shown on the router web side, they disappeared recently, and was able to rename one for what i wanted, asus RE on 2.4ghz band the other on the 5ghz same device has taken the name from the app pool, so now have 2 asus laptops same name, not to be seen in the app at all, but can work it out by mac address, so do not really care, just one of the oops between both...

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


SH31B/32B, eh...?
I was intrigued, so I had a look at the box that the Smart Hub was packaged in, and you're quite correct!
What I have is an SH32B.

Yet the Smart Hub Status page on the Web Hub Manager tells me that I am connected to a SH31B.
And the Android 'App' shows no reference to any 'Model Number' - just a Serial Number (fortunately the correct S/N)...

I'm beginning to understand your irritation / frustration regarding the quality / accuracy of the EE GUI, er, 'systems'... 🙄

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Well, the SH32B & the SH31B are more or less the same except the SH32B incorporates no ADSL/VDSL modem & therefore no DSL port.

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP
Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Gelert5 Keeps you on the toes, guessing what is what though!