16-10-2024 03:25 AM
Has anyone succesfully ordered and received the £10p/m add-on to their existing BB/TV package?
I've had countless calls this last week and getting tired of being passed around to so many different departments. I actually managed to order it quite swiftly on the 8th October due for delivery on the 10th I believe, and after the delivery date shown on the order page was missed I called up to enquire as to when I could expect it. The lady I spoke to in connections said that the order had become stuck due and she'd need to reprocess the TV and Broadband. I explicitly said I do not think it's the case as my TV and Broaband are working perfectly fine for the last month, it's only the router i'm enquiring about and do not want it cancelled, asked if she could transfer me to next-gen as from what i've read on here they are processing the orders for the new router.
After she said she'd speak with them, she passed me through to someone else who didn't know what any of it was about, I then see she went ahead and cancelled the router order whilst i'm still on the phone to a new agent, placed a new order for everything i've already got working EXCEPT the router I enquired about.
That was last week and that action seems to have messed up configuration in my account to the extent that it was escalated to a data integrity team who was supposed to clear the account on Monday for a new order to be placed, but as of now I still can't seem to get any order processed on the account.
Any advice on how people who purchased the add-on got this resolved? Many thanks
16-10-2024 05:31 PM
Good afternoon @kp95.
I'm disappointed to hear you've had so much trouble getting this sorted out, but thanks for taking the time to share the experience you've had here.
Did the data integrity team contact you on Monday to confirm things should be sorted now, or are you yet to receive an update?
16-10-2024 10:34 PM
I called up last week and successfully added the add-on to my existing bb/tv plan (900mbps, big sport, DV) and it was straightforward- it does renew your BB for another 24 months however as the add-on runs alongside the base broadband package.
However, unrelated to the Smart Hub Pro add-on, I have had a few issues with EE orders failing. Their current ordering system is total pants and orders fail for no apparent reason and no one seems to know how to fix it!
I would keep onto them and make sure they actually sort it out. A lot of the issues I think are some of the guides on the phones are not trained properly and place orders incorrectly which in EE’s case seems to make a real mess of customers’ accounts.
17-10-2024 12:03 PM
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the check in. Someone from Data Integrity called me on Monday and was struggling with it. He put me on hold a whilst to speak to his manager then came back and said it's not currently working but after 24 hours it should be all okay.
I've checked this link again https://ee.co.uk/shop/broadband/upgrade and get the open order error, and not the call us to upgrade your services error so I assume it's yet to be fixed. It just seems like anyone who tries to fix it kicks the can down the road for someone else to deal with and i'm having to chase it round constantly until its resolved.
Unfortunately been so busy that I haven't had the chance to call up knowing there's a very high chance i'll be on hold for an hour just to be told they can't process anything and then back to square one.
17-10-2024 12:05 PM
You're right about the ordering system. It's been happening for such a long time it's actually unbelievable for it to be so bad for a company of this size. I know they're working towards having everything seamlessly working and customers able to do most things themselves online but god knows when?
17-10-2024 03:52 PM
Hi @kp95
Thanks so much for the update.
I'm really disappointed to hear you haven't got much further with your query, and I do appreciate the frustration this will cause.
If we are unable to resolve this on the call, we should be sending it away for further investigation, and reaching back out to you once we have an update.
I know the team advised everything should have been sorted within 24 hours, but did they say what to do if it wasn't? Just for my own understanding, I'm wondering if any next steps had been agreed past this point.
22-10-2024 04:35 PM - edited 22-10-2024 04:36 PM
Hi Linzi,
Hope all is well, thank you for the response.
I managed to speak to someone last week and unfortunately he was unable to process anything on the account as something is wrong in the backend system still. Again I was advised to wait 24 hours and try to call up and order again and explained to the gentleman this is the 3rd or 4th time i've heard that and was very doubtful anything would change.
He tried the best he could to come up with a solution, which was migrate me to a new My EE id/account and set up as a brand new customer at my existing address so effectively 'taking over' my own services from the 1st november. He placed an order for the EE TV as I had before along with the Smart Hub Pro. It seems like a confusing workaround, as he said there will likely be early termination charges for my existing contract as it appears that a new customer is taking over the line, but he says he's left notes on the account for me to speak to billing and get this sorted if that happens.
As of yet, the situation is unresolved as I was ultiamtely unable to get the new Smart Hub Pro ordered, and although there is a pathway set out by the guide to get this working until it actually works and the hub is dispatched based on my experiences so far i'm not holding my breath although I do hope it'll be different this time.
I would very much appreciate if you could escalate this as suggested above, just to make sure the correct protocol is being followed and I will not have any more issues with the Smart Hub Pro delivery and account/billing issues in the future.
Kind Regards
22-10-2024 06:43 PM
Thanks for explaining all of that @kp95, it does sound like some progress has been made here, even if it's a bit of a backdoor one.
How were things left with you when you last spoke with our team?
Did an order go through and you're awaiting dispatch, or did this fail again?
29-10-2024 10:04 AM
Hi Peter,
The order was placed under a new EE ID, it looked like it went through, however I've checked and equipment for delivery is due tomorrow and no sign of serial numbers/assignment just yet.
The service is due to activate on the 1st November so I am slightly worried about my existing equipment being de-provisioned and the replacement kit not yet arriving.
I hope that today it can be dispatched as I'm out of the country currently and back tomorrow.
Kind Regards