22-11-2024 07:56 PM - edited 22-11-2024 07:58 PM
I was recently 'advised' by BT to switch from my BT SH2 to the EE Smart Hub Plus. I think it's fair to say that since switching, there's been nothing but issues with it.
The most impactful issue has been that I am getting complete connection dropouts / packet loss when gaming. This is happening every 30-45 seconds and lasts for at least 3-5 seconds. Spoke to tech support on the phone and they said they'd get an engineer to call back - it comes as no surprise that no one has reached out since this call 4 days ago...
I am on cable as I live in a remote area, so no fibre is available. The connection to my PC is wireless due to the logistics of running an ethernet cable from the router to my PC.
I have read through other forums and tried common solutions such as restarting (fixes the issue for 15 mins max), switching to WiFi 5 from WiFi 6, and checking that the router IP isn't clashing with any connected device IPs. I switched back to the BT SH2 and it worked fine; however, to avoid the fine I had to send it back, so now back on the SH+.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem and has managed to find a fix?
Any help is appreciated.
22-11-2024 08:09 PM
@EddieBoyyo Just put the BT Smarthub2 back on in place of the EE Smarthub+.
22-11-2024 08:11 PM
Hi Jim, as mentioned, I had to send the SH2 back as otherwise I would have had to pay the fine for not returning it.
22-11-2024 08:12 PM
@EddieBoyyo when did you get the new hub?
22-11-2024 08:14 PM
@JimM11 It was around 2 weeks ago.
22-11-2024 08:26 PM
@EddieBoyyo And the BT did not have to be returned for up to 60 day's, Do you have any other device that wireless operation may be interrupting the signal, as you have said you have tried all the router settings to possibly fix your problem.
The location of the EE router, have you tried to game down next to the router? Not saying that you do not have an issue, but i am not a gamer, daughter has a PS5 had the EE router 8 months now and not one complaint in that time, only difference i have a wireless extender sitting right out side her bedroom, as it is needed to get a good wireless signal, but it also covers the whole ground floor.
22-11-2024 08:54 PM
@JimM11 I do but it's difficult to tell, my PC doesn't disconnect from the WiFi, so it'll be hard to tell on other devices, whereas with gaming on PC it's noticeable from cutting out and whilst on calls with friends etc. With other devices like my phone and smartTV, it'll be harder to tell as it won't be noticeable whilst searching stuff on the internet or streaming where the content has already pre-loaded.
I haven't tried gaming next to the router, no. I would have to bring the router upstairs as there isn't room by the router for my setup. I might look into the extender but I'd be surprised if it fixes it because the speeds are fine and it's connecting well, it's the constant dropping out that isn't good.
22-11-2024 09:08 PM
@EddieBoyyo If you are convinced that it is the router then quickest and cheapest option is plenty 2nd hand BT Smarthub2 for low cost's are available on a well known site.
22-11-2024 09:15 PM
@EddieBoyyo I agree. I have had huge problems with Digital Voice since swapping over from BT to EE in September, service dropping in and out, forwarded calls not getting through… acquired BT Smart Hub 2 as I used to have and dumped the Smart Hub Plus as bam! Everything back to normal, no drops, no issues, all as perfect as can be.
Firmware on the Smart Hub Plus is dodgy as heck as far as I can make out… and my day job is dealing with router firmware… so I would get yourself back onto the proven router and see if it clears up all your issues.
22-11-2024 09:33 PM
@EddieBoyyo Couple off speed test's for you run separate, and have a look to see where you think the issue is, cloudflare is good for indicating download or upload issue, especially run in a wireless situation like yours, rock solid wired.