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Unlock code blocked


My Samsung Phone was sent for repairs within warranty, when I received the phone back the SIM card couldn't be used as the phone was no network locked.
I tried entering the PUK code but the code provided by EE did not work. It has since then stated "Enter MCK. Network unlock code blocked. Too many incorrect attempts."

I have tried the unlock your phone section of My EE but was told that the phone was already unlocked and no charge would be applied.


The phone is still locked and requires an MCK code. Where can I get this? Is there an email address I can use for direction communication?

Grand Master
Grand Master


1. Retrieve the device lock code which EE gave you. It should be 16 numbers in length.


2. Enter the last 8 numbers (from the 16 digit number provided by EE).


3. Once you get past that screen, enter the first 8 numbers (from the 16 digit number provided by EE).


4. You should now be able to access the contents of your phone.


5. Restart your phone.


A phone doesn’t have to be network locked for it to work though. 
A PUK code is to unlock a blocked sim because the unlocked code for that sim has been entered wrong 3 times. 

A MUK code is to unfreeze a Samsung phone because the unlocked code has been entered wrong more than 3 times this happened when you enter a code wrong or have a wrong code to unlock a device so it can work on any network. 

  A phone network unlock code is not a PUK code. 

EE didn't give me an unlock code because they say the phone is already unlocked but it isn't. The only code that I have is the PUK code available on MyEE which is 8 numbers long.

@aharte305   The PUK has nothing to do with the phone that’s the sim.    You need to contact Samsung about this and you need to inform them of everything from the repair to what you have done.