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10-02-2021 10:01 AM
I have a socially isolated elderly lady who uses an iPad and EE MiFi box to facetime her daughter. It has been working well until recently but over the last 2 weeks she has been unable to do so. She is well within her usage and is able to download other things. Can anyone help. I tried 3 times to email EE for support & tried the chat to no avail, so this is the last resort. Thank you.
10-02-2021 12:30 PM
Hi @James271.
Welcome to the community.
What happens when you try to use FaceTime?
Are you able to use data for other things like browsing?
15-02-2021 02:49 PM
Hi Jon, can use data for browsing and updating iOS and apps. This is all. Digital Champion trying to Facetime her.
15-02-2021 03:19 PM
22-03-2021 10:18 AM
Hi all, I managed to get the elderly lady reconnected. thanks to all - for input. Much appreciated.
22-03-2021 10:25 AM