Sending phone back for a trade
I am sending my phone back for a trade in, I have signed out of iCloud on the phone and reset and erased phone is that all I have to do?
Discussion about Apple's range of devices including unlocking your device
I am sending my phone back for a trade in, I have signed out of iCloud on the phone and reset and erased phone is that all I have to do?
I’m buying an IPhone 14 plus in the USA (has eSIM only). I should be ok to transfer my EE SIM to an eSIM in the UK, yes?
I am 90% sure what the answers to this will be but i have to ask.So recently my iPhone 14 Pro Max had a display issue, i took it to apple (genuine Genius Bar Apple Store) and they replaced my screen/display.afterwards i noticed while scrolling throug...
Hi, I've switched over to EE from Plusnet, keeping my old number. All working fine except text messages are not syncing from iPhone to iPad and Desktop like they did before. Any tips?
Hello I ordered my new Apple Watch 2 days ago and when I log in to track the parcel it’s not giving me any information. Just wondering if you can be able to help me please. Thank you my reference number is *********** thanks [Mod edit: Please do...
Morning EEmy screen on my iPhone 12 is smashed and the LED has also gone making it completely unreadable. while I look into options of getting this fixed how do I re-use my old phone that I originally upgraded from. It’s no longer as simple as “take ...
When selecting message us in the my EE app on an iPad the platform buffers continually and doesn’t open the chat. n.b.: this could be because I am a better tester on the apple platform
Hi! I already own an Apple Watch cellular. I wish to add it to my pay monthly iPhone contact. Online mentions £7 a month for 10gb, but when I speak to customer service they mention £18 a month for 1gb. Would anyone be able to help me to get the £7 a ...