Voicemail abroad


Hi I am abroad and trying to either put a voicemail on to let callers know I am an away or out call forwarding on. When I call through to voicemail and try to select option 2 to record a voicemail it doesn’t recognise the keypad - nothing happens when I press the number. Call forwarding just doesn’t give me the option to input a number - please help! 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

To clarify - you can call voicemail, but keypad tones are not recognised once the call is in progress?

Does the same thing happen when calling other automated services?

Correct, I haven’t tried with other automated services but it definitely doesn’t work in voicemail

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Lisamarie4455,

Welcome to the EE Community 

What type of phone is it you are using? 

Have you been able to use an automated menu whilst in the UK recently? What about calling us on +44 7953 966150 does the automated menu work there? 

Just a note in case you are not aware, depending on which country you are travelling to and the roaming setup of your plan, receiving a voicemail does count as a received call so would cost if you have no roaming allowances, calling us whilst abroad wont charge you.
