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Iphone 15


I want to wait for iPhone 15 before committing to a two year contract. What contract can I get?


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Heya Britneybunny24,

This information is hot off the press:

Yes in my opinion it will be worth it.

Release Date announced as September 15th 2023. They are much slimmer than their predecessors as they no longer have audio jacks or sim trays. They will utilise new E-Sims that move away from a physical sim. This will also add to the device security. I have an Android at the moment, but I did have an Apple iPhone 6 Plus back in 2015 and I really loved it. Had it about six years without any issues. I am looking to move from PAYG to Contract with an Apple iPhone 15 Plus, but do work out the contract as say 24 months x £40 say is £960 and the actual phones should retail from £750 upwards so a iPhone 15 Plus should be about £850 roughly. That is still more than a hundred quid saved outright than paying a full termed contract. This is also new for Apple as they have recognised that the over £1K price tags were unaffordable for most budgets. However, all networks know the desire is there to own the flagship each year, which is why the contract option are a great per month workaround, if that is convenient for you? Hope this information is helpful.

Find out more from the Forbes website:

Have fun & enjoy whatever you decide.

Kind Regards

Bern 😃

@Profile closed  there is nothing to suggest that outside of the US that all iPhones will be eSim only.   ESim cause more issues than they resolve and eSims do not add any device security they are just a connection to the network.         Your maths is also a little off as you’ll have an upfront cost to pay to have a tariff at £40.   EE will not sell the device and tariff lower than the actual cost of the device over the term of the contract as you also have to pay for that device at full retail value plus the tariff. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Hi berny, 

Thanks for your reply. You say £40 a month? I was checking and current ones are quoted £90-£120 a month for an iphone 14 so would work out alot more. How do you know it will be £40 a month? Either way I get what your saying paying outright but some dont have a spare £850 lying around, I certainly dont. Its still alot of money for a phone. I got an ipad as an add about a month ago, was sent a defective one and couldnt use it so technically had it two weeks. EE is trying to charge me over £300 for one month (contract is £118 per month, still high but not by this much) and for something Ive used for two weeks (Also includes mine and my daughters sim only plans at £17.50 each a month) this was fine and never missed a bill but now I have as they have lumped it all together and trying to sort it. Im now late with my bill (so probably no iphone 15 now) and we have been both cut off so cant make or receive calls which J really need. I only went contract because EE called me and ushered me into it. I was pay as you go sim and quite happy with it because I knew were I was. Now my credit probably going to screwed over more and its taken years to get my points in the mid range. (Lived in my own since I was 15 so been a struggle)  anyway dont know how I can fix this before it gets worse. If you have any insight and soon, would he grateful. Thanks

@britneybunny24         If your having money issues then the last thing you need is a new phone if your current one still works fine.  As for your iPad you pay the monthly cost if you don’t use it even if you have it sent back for repairs you still pay that contract.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Who said I was having money issues? I discussed with berny that I had money issues in the past since I lived on my own from the age of 15 and I didnt sign up for a contract that charges in the first month £300+ you must be very lucky and in an excellent financial position and have people around you for support because you talk like you have no clue and veey one minded. Thanks for your negativity but its really not needed.

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Heya Britneybunny24, I would explain all the above to  EE Customer Services and see what they can do . . .  0800 956 6000.  🧡👍🏻

Let's put it this way, if I received your call I would listen empathetically and try to resolve by letting you go back onto PAYG.

Here's a few tips from some Network Providers:

"How do I get out of a phone contract?"

Contact your mobile phone provider to tell them you want to cancel your contract. You can either call or send a free text, or email them. If you're still within contract, you'll need to pay any exit fees or buy-out the remainder of your contract, before you can leave.

"Can I change my contract phone to pay as you go?"

You need to end your contract first. Then call customer service on 202 and they will send you PAYG sim with your number transferred. There will be fees to be paid if you are not at the end of contract unless you are on Refresh in which case you can pay off the handset and give 30 days notice.

"Can you downgrade a contract phone?"

In addition, some networks may allow you to downgrade your plan to a cheaper tariff, even before your contract ends. A downgraded plan may have a smaller data allowance - see our guide on how to use less data.

Hope this all helps you.



Agreed about the KIA or unhelpful answers.

I'm a long term iPhone user and tend to buy direct from Apple and use a sim-only deal (currently with EE).

I've looked at phone/sim bundles before and they tend to offer either inadequate or excessive data plans.  For many (most?) people 10GB is adequate but upgrade deals tend to be either very large or paltry.  Hence I go sim-only.

The maths is pretty straightforward, if you can buy a new iPhone outright or on an Apple interest-free loan + sim-only for the data - it's far cheaper than committing to more data than you need for 24mo to get exactly the same phone.


@Profile closed     Your quoting prices from 2015 when the cost of iPhone plus models stated from £619.  The base model of the 14 is now £849.     The tariff includes the cost of that device not just the tariff allowance.   When you work out the basic 128Gb iPhone 14 model tariff that comes in at £1413 for 24 months that’s £90 upfront and £51 per month that makes the tariff alone £465 over 2 years or £19.38 per month just for the tariff the rest is paying for the device.  How is that profiteering ?    It actually helps if you work the math before you make remarks about profiteering.      While you can get a better sim only deal for that price per month you still have to purchase the device  at retail value.    Now let’s look at the cheapest 24 month sim only deal,  that comes in at £17 with the same 5Gb of data allowance and unlimited calls/texts.      The iPhone 14 128Gb from Apple and purchase this monthly is £35.37 per month so you are only saving £57.12 over 2 years if you go with that £17 per month sim only.       Are you going to notice this £57.12 over 24 months ?? 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
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Whatever Trevor 😆👅 RASP!

I have the money to buy several.

I might post one to Britney just to shut you up . . . period.

@Profile closed  And no you can not downgrade your tariff to a cheaper tariff mid contract.  The contract that you agreed to pay is for the duration of that.     You are also quoting things that are not related to EE.    Like refresh and 202 to call customer services.      And you don’t need to a new sim to change from a EE contract to EE PAYG.    

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.