27-08-2023 07:02 PM
I have an iPhone with o2 and recently purchased an Apple Watch which I have set up using this phone. I now want to set up a phone line on this phone for my son. I can’t do this with 02 but EE have a stand-alone watch plan - £7. I need to set up an initial phone sim for £14 a month but I understand I can then cancel/convert this to the £7 standalone plan. However nobody in sales/ tech that I have spoken to today knows how to do this. Anyone got any ideas?! Thanks
27-08-2023 07:30 PM
@Hanski67 To have a purchased elsewhere watch contract on EE you have to have it on an account that has a iPhone on that account and that iPhone has to be on a contract that does include a sim only contract. The £7 per month tariff you mentioned for the watch is not a stand alone watch tariff that has its own number for calls/text it has to be paired with a iPhone that’s on a contract. You can not cancel the phone contract to continue using the watch. EE sim only contracts are a minimum 12 months contracts.
27-08-2023 07:35 PM
Thanks so much for your reply Chris. My friends managed to do it but I’m wondering if they somehow managed to beat energy system because EE are completely stumped! They set up a £14 sim contract to enable them to set up the watch as a stand-alone watch with separate number to their phone. Once this was done, they contacted ee who converted the £14 sim only to a £7 standalone watch contract which the phone continues to run off?! It’s a total mystery and nobody at EE has a clue how they did it!
10-11-2023 11:20 PM
Hi there, did you manage to find a solution? Trying to set a watch up for my daughter, many thanks
11-11-2023 07:50 AM
Hi @Kiwi28,
Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂
Are you trying to setup a standalone plan or a paired plan with an iPhone?
If it's a paired plan, does your daughter have a pay monthly iPhone plan with EE?
03-04-2024 11:05 AM
m having same issue
I ordered a paired one and they sent a stand alone but can't change the plan even though it only got delivered today
03-04-2024 11:40 AM
Hi @niccinoodles,
Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂
I'm sorry to hear your watch has been connected on an incorrect plan.
Our Customer Care Team will be happy to resolve this if you get in touch on 150.
03-04-2024 11:45 AM
03-04-2024 12:25 PM
Did they arrange for a returns pack to be sent to you, @niccinoodles?
17-09-2024 10:17 AM
Hi, I have ordered the standalone Apple Watch and didn’t actually realise I had done.
my daughter already has a iPhone, can I pair it up with the iPhone so she can use her number on it? Or will it always be a separate number. Thanks