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Apple Security. Have Apple gone over the top with its security requirements? I


I am all for good security for my iMac, iPad and iPhone, but it would be great to login and not spend an hour or more trying to authorise anew email app or calendar etc. before I can actually use my devices. 

I am talking about “app specific passwords!”  What a pain these inventions are. I had to use Apple Support before I was able to use my new iphone15. It took a few days before we got there. It is still not easy to use them. I create a new one, copy it to the app login and hey, this is not suitable for my set up!  Or similar words appears. Keep trying, create new password again, copy and paste. Similar answer. Give up! This is a frequent issue in my day. Sometimes I cannot find the asp in my settings app. It just disappears for ages then I find it again.  Having looked at the Apple support forum, it seems that this invention is the worst idea Apple has ever had. The forum is full of asp enquiries

seeking where to creat one on their own devices. My message has just lost about two paragraphs. Give up!


Not only  is this causing asp issues BUT I have had to change my AppleID so many times that I am out of ideas for passwords, as you cannot use previously used ones for a year. I have to write down all my new passwords and I’d because it is impossible to remember so many! Well it is for me as I have developed a memory issue which is quite annoying. I have created a new ID, written it down, new password, written it down and know it was all correct. Next day, new asp required again, log in ok. Make asp and hey Preston, incorrect password submitted. Try again, same result. So have to creat new Apple ID. All duly noted down. Login, create asp. Wrong password🤬🤬🤬You could not make it up. 

until Apple invented this issue, I was their biggest supporter as all was so simple and always worked, unlike Android and Microsoft bloat ware Now I’m sorry to say, they have just gone ott with security issues and ruined a great system. 

I was over the moon when they created their new RISC OS. What? Because it is a great British invention which I used years ago on my Acorn RiscPc. A brilliant machine which ate Windows for graphics and speed hands down. Due to IBM and Microsoft having the cash to pursuade commercial users to use their inferior os, Acorn never got into beating the Pentium message (RISC chip faster by far, the size of a postage stamp and using minute power, no fan as it ran cool. Pentiums were very hot and used about 27 watts and needed cooling. You probably have risc chips in gadgets all around your home with small computers in, tv fridge, microwave etc. also mobile phones. They are amazing and now Apple have developed the same technology from 1995 and put it in their new iMacs. What goes around come around, brilliant. Just sort our app specific passwords Apple, you are ruining you wonderful systems. 


EE Community Support Team

Hi @Bazzah 

Have you managed to find anything that helps in the Apple forums or posted your question there? They probably have a better understanding on this and may be able to help.


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Bazzah  You do know that you can have the devices save the password and then just the  bio metric authentication.    You can even have the iPhone unlock the Mac via this method. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
I was unaware of this feature, probably due to lack of info from Apple and their support team. As I said, I had to use Apple Support to get started with my new iphone15.  I had horrendous messaging problems,then the asp reared its ugly head. Not a great start for an iPhone user of a number of years.
How do you get the asp to respond to Touch ID or Face ID? If I can get that to work, I may have lower blood pressure 😤
Thanks for the info.


B.A.(Hons) Law

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