30-09-2024 09:33 AM
How can I permanently save a voicemail? I have android phone (Huawei). Thank you
30-09-2024 09:44 AM
@purplegerri You’ll have to find an app that can record or find some other way to record that message EE don’t offer this functionality.
30-09-2024 09:56 AM
Voicemails cannot be saved permanently at a network-level, so you'll need a device-based solution to this.
You can test whether incoming call audio can be recorded using your phone's sound-recording app, or potentially play the voicemail call on speakerphone and record the sound to another device.
30-09-2024 11:30 AM
I already tried the phone sound recording but it doesn't work while on a phone call. I don't have another device to record it on, unless I can somehow play the vm on my laptop???? Then record it on my phone.
30-09-2024 11:31 AM
Do you know of any aps that do this? I'm not techy in any way!!!