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Remote volume control


Any ideas why my new remote works apart from the volume controls. My old BT remote works ok, but I want to use my new remote and not both.



Hi, try this, point your remote control to your tv press the home button and the number 9 at the same time and wait until your remote flashes three times.


Did this, worked once and then not again unless I repeat the procedure Home/9


Same here. Worked once and then have to do home+9 again. Frustrating.

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @Wh21 

Thanks for posting. 

Please get in touch with our broadband guides, and they will get the remote looked into for you. 



Just got new TV Box Pro, same problem, volume doesn't work. Tried the Home+9, works for all of 3 seconds.


1.Go to settings on the EE TV Box Pro

2. Scroll down to 'Connected Devices' and Go to Bluetooth Remote

3.Go to Control Volume and Source - probably set to TV

4. Change to 'Set Top Box'

5. Click 'Done'

Volume control now works without having to constantly reset the remote with Home+9


Have you got your Box Pro set to Stereo in Settings/Audio?

Does your fix still work if you set it to Surround?

*Longtime YouView box owner & broadband customer (was BT now EE), but only recently a full EETV subscriber*

Thanks Neil, thanks for taking the time to reply, I did just this yesterday and it works ok. I think it was my understanding of “controls the TV volume” that needed some adjustment. I expected it to control the TV volume in the same way my Sky remote used to. As in, actually put the original TV volume bar on screen. It appears the Box Pro does it a different way. Thanks again.

I’ve kind of resolved my issues. Taken the Sony soundbar out of the loop and everything now works Ok. But now I’ve got no soundbar. This box has been a headache since it arrived, IP and aerial modes, wrong ITV local news channels. And inability to skip ads on ITV which I was unaware of admittedly.


As I asked @NeilPriddey above, can you look in Settings/Audio on your Pro box, and see if it’s set to Stereo or Surround?

As it sounds like it’s set to Stereo; in which case, the remote will work the volume on the Pro box. If the remote were working to control the TV, then the TV would respond exactly as it does to the TV’s own remote.

Disconnecting the soundbar really shouldn’t be necessary to get this to work; it may be an answer, but it shouldn’t be the answer.

IP Mode has few if any advantages for those with a decent aerial on a full Freeview transmitter; HD on channels 1-5 maybe, but otherwise a lot of downsides, as you have found with unskippable ads on itv, the local channel choices it can make and not let you change, limited range of the lesser Freeview channels, and so on.

*Longtime YouView box owner & broadband customer (was BT now EE), but only recently a full EETV subscriber*