01-12-2024 05:45 PM
Hello, community!
Thank you for your help and advice, which helps in solving many issues.
I would like to get another consultation.
I have a subscription package and I would like to replace the physical card with a sim.
I can't find a specific way to do this in the app. And I don't understand if it is possible to use eSIM in my package in this way. If this is not possible, what needs to be changed?
I am from Ukraine, and, unfortunately, it is difficult for me to get through to the call center. And I do not know how to contact the operator in the chat.
Thank you." Igor.
01-12-2024 06:11 PM
@DERBY2022 : I take it by "subscription package" you mean a PAYG pack. If so, eSIMs are not available on PAYG & anyway need to be used in UK 1st.
01-12-2024 06:31 PM
Thanks !
Can I find out more about 1st?
What's it?
Thank you. Igor.
01-12-2024 07:01 PM
What's what? First?
01-12-2024 08:21 PM
Can I find out more about what I need to do to use eSIM?
Thank you." Igor.
01-12-2024 08:23 PM
Take out an EE contract.
01-12-2024 09:16 PM
The question is simpler. How do I chat with a consultant live?
Thank you." Igor.
01-12-2024 09:52 PM
There is no Live Chat for PAYG.
01-12-2024 10:42 PM
Your answers consist of two or three words.
And I have no information from this.
Is it possible to expand it ?
Leading questions:
how and which package to switch to in order to have esim?
how and which package should I switch to in order to have a chat with an operator?
Thank you." Igor.
02-12-2024 12:38 AM
There isn't that much to say. All you ask for is not available on PAYG, which is what you are on. PAYG is somewhat restrictive. Both things you want can be had if you had a contract with EE.