27-11-2021 01:06 PM
Hi all,
I have an iPhone 12 and an EE pay monthly contract.
I rang a week or so ago and asked to have International Roaming activated and at the same time asked for my sim to be swapped to an eSim.
All was apparently good and the settings in the EE app showed that roaming was enabled.
My eSim code arrived and I swapped and activated it and it worked fine in the UK.
I should have re-checked the app before I left the UK bit forgot to.
I have now arrived in Dubai and it is not working. The app shows it is not enabled and I cannot enable it.
The ‘Help’ section says I need to call the UK but I can’t as I have no roaming.
Any advice would be helpful.
27-11-2021 03:33 PM
Welcome to the community.
What happens when you try to manually connect to a network there?
28-11-2021 01:26 AM
Hi Chris
It shows the network name but no signal strength.
28-11-2021 09:13 AM
26-01-2022 05:57 AM
Hello, I have a similar issue. A week before mi trip I activated the eSim(iphone 13mini)so I can use the physical Sim with the country I am. I have been told that roaming will be ready once I arrived to destination. Nothing happened, the roaming is not working. I tried to amable roaming, blocked in settings on the EE app, but is telling me that there is a little problem and that I have to uninstall the app and try How can i activate the roaming on the eSim, or I have to ask EE to do it?
Thanks for your help
26-01-2022 07:46 AM
Hi @GuidoalfonsO,
Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂
If you're unable to activate roaming in My EE, please get in touch with Customer Care so a member of the team can take a look at your account.
They'll be happy to help.
28-01-2022 07:51 PM
Thanks for your help James, but is hard to get in touch from abroad(Argentina at least), calls got drop or 30 minutes waiting time
Is there any international 0800´s number to call to, or another ecconomic way to get in touch?
29-01-2022 07:21 AM
Morning @GuidoalfonsO
Thanks for coming back to us.
Please call us on +44 7953966250 from any phone and the team will get this looked into for you.
29-01-2022 10:10 PM
i called them and problem fix, it took a 37 minutes of an international call, but it is fixed now.
tanks again 🥰
thanks aga
30-01-2022 07:50 AM