

So 2 days ago I rang up and ordered 3 sims 24mth contract. All downloads were checked by myself and agent, credit check was successful gave Bank details. Agent said sims will arrive in 24 hrs. Haven't arrived so called them back to be told I now need to go in a store with ID so they can send a code to fraud department????. Went to local store its closed, don't have another nearby so looks like I'll now have to find another provider as not waiting around. Never ever known this procedure. Have all 3 puk codes ready to move our numbers. 

EE Community Support Team

Good evening @Andi1211

Welcome to the community. 

I am sorry to hear nobody contacted you regarding this and you had to call to find this out. 

This may have flagged with taking 3 monthly contracts out at once. 

Was your local store closed due to opening hours?
