Roaming refresh

EE Knowledge Specialist

What’s changing?

  • We’ve made non Europe Zone roaming easier with EE. From the 4th of December we'll be launching our new roaming passes that you can buy from the moment you land
  • This means we’re removing a number of Inclusive Extras passes and add-ons listed below and you will no longer be able to buy a pass before you travel
  • For customers with inclusive EU Roaming today or iPhone Full Works plans, nothing is changing and those roaming benefits will stay the same. To see our new plans with roaming included click here

How can I see the new prices?

What if I don’t buy a pass when I’ve landed outside of the Europe zone?

  • You can use minutes and texts, but out of bundle rates will apply
  • You will not be able to use data
  • Out of bundle rates vary dependent on the zone follow this link to find the most accurate costs for your trip
  • We recommend buying a pass to cover all usage across minutes, texts and data

I received a text about my roaming products being removed, which products are no longer being sold?

  • The following products will no longer be available to select from the 4th of December. If you already have one of these products, it will continue to work until you are notified that this has been removed from your account
  • Roam Abroad Pass, Roam Further Pass, Roam Abroad Inclusive Extra, Roam Further Inclusive Extra, Travel Data Pass, World Select Talk and Text, Anywhere Minutes, Anywhere Texts

What happens when my product is removed?

  • You will receive a text from us when the product has been removed with more information on our new offers and instructions on how to purchase them

Inclusive Extras:

  • We will be in touch with details of when your Inclusive Extras will be changing. There'll be two new products; one for EU zone roaming and one for ROW 1 zone, which covers 33 destinations

How will this affect my travel in Europe?

  • There are no changes to the way you use your device in Europe immediately as part of this change
  • We have introduced a new EU roaming Inclusive Extra for customers on plans that can select a benefit as part of their plan
  • In 2025, there will be an EU 7-day pass which will make it cheaper for customers who pay our daily roaming charge in the EU to use their device for a full 7 days
241 REPLIES 241
Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor
My inclusive Extra can't be changed at the moment is anyone able to see if the option is even there to switch it to the new pass?
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Not on the plans since August 29th 2024 (Tariff Refresh).

Roaming isn't an option for Inclusive Extras anymore on new plans as it is already added.

This was intentional before the Roaming Refresh change, but they haven't indicated as to whether the included Roam Further will updated to a Zone 1 pass or kept as it is or the Zone 1 added as an Inclusive Extra.

The first option is the one that would make the most sense, adding it as an Inclusive Extra would be bizarre.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I think the only way we’re going to find out is after your next billing dates…. Mine is 2nd January so clearly I’ll be one of the last to see if anything changes - so if anyone else can report back earlier that would be fab.

Scholarly Contributor
Scholarly Contributor

I’m now confused after reading some of these posts.

I was able to switch my inclusive extra from ‘Roam Abroad Pass’ to ‘Roaming Pass ROW’ which as per the description includes EU roaming and eligible countries in the ROW1 Zone. 

But there is talk about the EU add on being separate from the ROW1 Zone add on. 

So what is this new add on I’ve moved too? 



Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor
So Full works plan customers are shafted as cannot access the pass even if we wanted to swap our inclusive extra to it.

That's quite frankly ridiculous
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Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor
You've got the right one don't worry it includes EU and Row1
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For now it looks that way until we get any comms from EE to the contrary.

Skilled Contributor
Skilled Contributor


I understand that my question was not clear.

If you can let us know the eligible plans where the ROW ZONE 1 can be taken as inclusive extra.

Because, my personal experience was, in old all rounder and full works ROW Zone 1 can be selected as inclusive extra. On the other hand, new full works plan, I was given with the option to buy a pass.

In reality, EE is downgrading the latest tariff customers.

That's not a great thing either.


Thank you.

Skilled Contributor
Skilled Contributor


I am that guinea pig. I was in Bangladesh from 29 November to 8 December. I returned via United Arab Emirates. As a family, we have 3 numbers from EE (One old all rounder, one old full works , one new full works).

In old all rounder and old full works, I choose, Row zone 1 as inclusive extra which worked fine in United Arab Emirates.

However, in new full works I was given with the option to buy pass in United Arab Emirates.

I didn't try in Bangladesh as we already had local SIM cards.

Hope this information helps.

Thank you.

Thanks for testing, that's really helpful! I assume "Row zone 1" inclusive extra refers to the new "Roaming Pass ROW" inclusive extra in your post on page 1 of this thread? I've selected this and I'm hoping it includes EU + all Zone 1 countries, which it sounds like it does.