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Oculus Meta Quest 2 - Faulty on Purchase


I have been an EE customer and also T mobile for many years. Today you lost a customer forever down to your pathetic stance on a Meta Quest 2 I purchased from yourselves end of October for a Christmas present that was faulty when opened on Christmas Day, I have an upset child and after 3 calls and promises of calls back, nothing, other than how you CANT DO ANYTHING, this was purchased in good faith to be working, and you have failed in the most basic of good business skills. I (as requested) went to Oculus direct and they have offered for me to send it back, however the process is a joke, wait 3 days for a label, send back, then once they receive it wait 5 days for them to check it, then wait another 5 days for them to return it fixed or replace it with a REFURB unit, second hand in my terms, how could I posibly check the tem was working correctly when it is wrapped up for Christmas? So you have still not returned my calls, and the last person I spoke with thinks it is funny that my child has a broken unit and refused to help at all. So please cancel all my contracts with you and provide me with PUC codes to remove all lines from yourselves, if this is how you treat customers I will not be one

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

I presume from your description that you didn't check the purchase for functionality in advance of Christmas - in hindsight that would have avoided this issue.

Was this an online purchase or a retail store one? The replacement process can differ slightly.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @clarkedale

Welcome to the community.

I'm sorry to hear that you have a fault with the equipment. What is the problem with it? Did Oculus say what they thought was causing the problem?


It simply doesn't charge. And now I have to wait possibly weeks for a replacement which could be a refurb

You presume correct as it was wrapped up as a Christmas present. However the fault would not have been noticed as it turned on, only noticed when battery ran out

EE Community Support Team

Hi @clarkedale

Thanks for getting back to us. 

I understand how frustrating this must be.

Please keep us posted with the outcome once Oculus have received the product. 

If you have any further questions please be sure to let us know.



That's a ridiculous stance, EE.

You sold it, you replace it and the you deal with Oculus. The customer shouldnt have to!