21-03-2025 09:15 PM - edited 21-03-2025 09:19 PM
I have a basic Nokia phone. Not a Smartphone. I went to an EE store to ask for help with this phone. I have a some £30 credit with EE on this phone. The assistant was more interested in a game being played on an iPhone but eventually made an effort to help ... but with one eye always on the game! So my question is this ... are the assistants at such stores merely there to sell new phones? Or can I expect them to help with menu issues on my Nokia 1203. I know this is not a state of the art phone but am disappointed with the response. Do I have the right to insist on help ... even help with a basic phone? As I say, I have around £30 in credit.
21-03-2025 09:29 PM
@ThomasEdison : Yes, they're mainly there to sell phones & contracts. Don't expect much technical help, esp. detailed.
What's the issue with your phone? Maybe we can help.
21-03-2025 09:45 PM
OK and thanks. It's not really "technical" more a case of "finger trouble". I am unable to get the Nokia to ring when it's being called. I will be grateful for help via this forum but must confess to being extremely miffed by the attitude of the person at the EE store (it was a pukka EE store BTW). As I say, I have a healthy credit with EE on my phone. It's a poor show on the part of EE to employ such sloppy staff in their stores. It is not that the assistant was selling a phone or fixing up a contract ... no ... the assistant was lounging back in a chair and playing a game on an iPhone! Anyway, back to the case in hand: the little Nokia shows on its screen that someone is calling but the phone is silent ... no ringing tone can be heard. Comments gratefully received ... and thanks in advance for your help. TE
21-03-2025 09:50 PM - edited 21-03-2025 10:20 PM
Replying to myself! When the call is coming through, I see a barred circle on the screen of the Nokia 1203.
21-03-2025 10:20 PM
@ThomasEdison Have you checked your ring tone settings? Have you tried changing the ring tone ? It sounds like you d got it set to none or possibly even muted the ring tone.
21-03-2025 10:22 PM
Thanks will try your suggestion and report back.
21-03-2025 10:34 PM
In "Settings", I see the following:
Tone settings; Display Settings; Profiles; Time Settings; Call Settings; Phone Settings; Security Settings; Go to Settings; Restore Factory Settings;
Which one do you suggest that I try?
22-03-2025 12:17 AM
You could explore but Tone settings seems the likeliest.