14-09-2024 09:46 AM
Hi, I preordered the iphone 16 pro yesterday and I received an SMS advising that an error has occurred and to contact CS. I was on hold yesterday for 2 hours and was told that there is a problem with the 36 month contracts and they were unable to confirm the order due to this issue and offered to put the order through on a 24 month contract instead (for a different fee per month), which I declined.
I have paid an upfront fee, and was told someone would call me today at 9am this morning to sort this out, but haven’t received a call.
I’ve called up this morning and it’s advising it’s a 1.5hr wait, can someone please advise me how to get this sorted or how to cancel (and receive my money back) and I’ll order elsewhere? Or can I go in store to sort this?
Thank you
14-09-2024 02:17 PM
Hello @chlgw44.
Thanks for coming here.
I am sorry to hear you have not yet received your call back.
Was your order cancelled yesterday? if yes, a refund should automatically be on its way to you.
If you wish to visit your local store a member of staff will be able to look into this for you.
14-09-2024 10:57 PM
Hi Katie,
No the order wasn’t cancelled, it went through, and once confirmed the page stated an error had occurred and to call CS. I then received an SMS saying the same.
I’ll visit in store to sort it, thank you
15-09-2024 08:35 AM
Thanks for getting back to me @chlgw44.
Please be sure to keep us updated after your visit to store.
Have a great day,