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Problems with new iPhone and verification issue


I applied for a new iPhone 15 online passed everything then had a strange message in tracking, spoke to an advisor who put the order through manually, received the phone. Now want to use it but apparently not verified as no details coming up apart from account no everything else blank, so have been told that I now have to go to store to verify and take the phone, sim and delivery note. What I do nit understand is why was the phone sent if there was a problem and yes I do have photo ID and can go into store but what a hassle when I cannot use the phone at all atm and I do nit live near a EE store so it will be a nightmare. And can they keep the phone and say i can’t actually open the account due to a historical problem with an older contract which was an extremely long time ago if so why did they send it and create the new account and I have made a payment already and received a new bill. I’m not sure if there was a breach of contract a very very long time ago as my partner had a phone thru me and didn’t pay it all. But again if that’s the case why did I pass and then send me a contract and phone? So confused and cannot afford for them to the this one back although I can’t make it receive calls just use Wi-Fi and apps ? Any help would be appreciated 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Wayner666,

Welcome back to the Community!

We want to make sure that your contract is everything you'd expect, so I can understand your concern. I'd recommend giving our team a call, and they will be able to take a look into everything that has happened and help you to get this resolved.


Thank you I already tried that and they won’t discuss it I over the  phone as they say there are no details, and I have to go to store to do verification but they cannot say anything over the phone. But if there was a problem with an old debt why did I pass all checks ? Just crazy. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
EE Community Support Team

Thanks for the update @Wayner666 

Did they say you needed to visit store with ID for verification purposes?

If that's not convenient, you can be verified by writing in to our customer admin team. If you would like the address, I can pop that over to you.


Hi yes they said they need me to bring us to activate the phone and verification because they have no details on my account and canno do this over the phone. But I still xxxx ntvgrt why this wasn’t picked up at the time of ordering especially if there was a problem. Why did they put it thru manually ? And miss everything off. Surely they can’t take the phone back if I should not of had it.? And I’ve had my first bill paid. It’s totally there fault. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
EE Community Support Team

I wish I could shed some light on it @Wayner666, but we don't have access to your account here on the forum.

I'm sure once the team can access your account, they will be able to investigate and get to the bottom of this.


Thanks, it gets worst I have received a letter saying that EE have removed the details and sorry to hear the phone was ordered at my address without my knowledge. So hence that’s why I can’t talk to them as they have removed the details. It is shocking as it was ordered correctly and I ordered it so I have now made a formal complaint online through the complaints portal as they will not speak to me. A bill has been paid and one due so not a clue what had happened but this is so inconvenient as I need the phone. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
EE Community Support Team

I understand why you would want to raise a complaint @Wayner666 

Our complaints team will be in touch with you as soon as they can and hopefully get a resolution for you.


I just spoke to the Fraud team and they said the account was cancelled there and as there is 2 accounts and no password has been set up  so we have to go to store. They basically would not talk to me and said go to store they would not let me tell them what had happened and wasn’t interested tbh.

all they said was account cancelled and only store would help reactivate it but they may not. 
