Free Bose Earphones when Upgrading to Razr40 Ultra


I have just ordered received a Razr 40 Ultra and as part of the upgrade I should get a pair of Bose earphones.

To do this, you are supposed to click on a link on the Shop page that is supposed to send you to a page so that you can redeem the offer, but the Link directs you to a Samsung page ( ) and if I copy the link text ( ) then this goes to an old promotion which has ended. The promotion is supposed to be available between 21/11/2023 and 03/01/2024.

Does anyone have a correct link for this?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @MidnightAI 

Thanks for coming to the community and making us aware the Shop page has the incorrect link to make the claim. 

You can claim here Promotion | Motorola Promotion

I have fed this back to the correct team. 

Thanks 🙂
