06-12-2024 08:52 PM
I am trying to get a new SIM only contract with an EE Perks discount code (via my work). However none of the SIM only plans accept it! It just says:
Code entered is not applicable with this data plan. Please beware that certain codes aren't applicable if discounts are already applied.
These SIM only plans are not discounted (£48 a month!) so does anyone know what the issue is please?
Thank you!
07-12-2024 10:31 AM
Hello @martin2345uk.
Thanks for coming here.
Are you looking to purchase a new line or are you just joining EE?
If you are purchasing an additional line does 10% multi line discount show in your checkout box?
07-12-2024 02:03 PM
Hi,thanks for the reply. I’m looking to join EE as a new customer. Literally none of the plans allow me to use the code so I’m a bit baffled!
07-12-2024 09:59 PM
Here is what happens when I try to use the code...
There is nothing discounted about that plan, right..? Unless I am missing something?
08-12-2024 08:11 AM
That's strange @martin2345uk.
Thanks so much for confirming with a screenshot.
Please give us a call on 0800 956 6000, our sales team should be able to help process this and apply your discount code.
10-12-2024 04:37 PM
So they "guide" I just spoke to says that, because I got the perks code from my work, I would only be able to use it if I take out a "Business" plan..?! That can't be right surely?
10-12-2024 04:57 PM
Okay now I am through to someone else who says I need to order the plan without the discount then once I get it, call up and get the discount applied... I will do this, seems a bit longwinded though?
16-12-2024 02:31 PM
Okay so today I received the SIM and I called up and the nice lady I spoke to applied the Perks discount but how do I know /where do I see that it's been done? I got her to send me a text message to say she'd done it but can I see it online anywhere?? I don't wanna get to the end of the 14 day cooling off period, find it's not actually gone through and then be unable to cancel!
16-12-2024 04:26 PM
Hey @martin2345uk, I'm glad to hear that your SIM has arrived and you managed to give our team a shout.
If you're able to log in to the EE app and select Manage > Mobile and SIMs, then scroll to add-ons, does a discount show in here?
17-12-2024 08:48 PM
I think it's all good, I got a text today from EE confirming my line rental is reduced by 20% until the end of my contract term, yay!