Data boost


Not a big mobile user so just have a basic 10GB  for £12.32  as a rolling monthly thing which suits me fine.  Just had a message to say they were changing me to something else for £17 but I managed to find a better offer from them on the site, for £12 for 10GB so slightly less than I am paying now, but as a 24 month contract.  Sounds OK so did it but just had this weird message.  "A request was made to change the recipient of all current and future 1GB data boosts. 0GB data boost has been removed from this line. " No idea what this means so can anyone out there help this dinosaur with that please? Looks like they’re telling me that they are removing something which I possibly didn’t have in the first place. Thanks all you helpful people! 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @PH66 It does sound odd that the message stated that 0gb of data would be removed from your account.


A 1gb data boost was a perk that you got when you added an additional line, the recipient may be changed if the recipient of the 1gb data boost is cancelled or changed to a non compatible plan.


I'd recommend getting in touch with our customer service team on 150 from your EE phone, then they can get this looked into a bit deeper for you.


Chris S
