22-09-2023 09:19 PM
Hi all,
I am currently in Canada and really struggling with my phone. I am on contract (unlimited minutes texts and 25g data) I have paid for the roaming this month extra but I cannot get any signal for calls nor texts. I rarely get a bit of data to send some WhatsApp messages but that is more like non existent..
I have tried to restart the phone, update to newest software and tried to manually choose the network and nothing is working!
does anyone know what else I can do? I can’t contact EE as the only way to contact them is to call which I can’t
im really annoyed as I needed to be online for work and paid extra for it and this is now not working..
07-11-2023 04:30 AM
Scooby-doo93, I am currently in a similar situation as you. I am in Canada without a single signal. I paid £25 for the roaming so as to use my phone as normal while in Canada. The signal comes for 1% of the times and goes away. 99% of the time what i see on my phone "Emergency calls only". Please i will like to know how you managed to resolve it or what EE told you when you got back to the UK. Thanks
07-11-2023 07:41 AM
Morning @princenelson2
Thanks for coming here.
Did you text ROAMING to 150 before leaving the UK? The text would let you know if roaming was set up to use the Roaming Abroad Pass.
Do you have any networks showing if you manually search in your phone settings?
Have you tried restarting your phone?
07-11-2023 08:17 AM
Hello, unfortunately I couldn’t do anything while in there .. I’ve managed to download maps while on WiFi and that was it really.. when i came back home I called EE and was told my roaming was set for Europe not America therefore it didn’t work in there .. apparently it was a human error as I rang them prior my trip asking to add the roaming and making sure it will work but unfortunately they didn’t select the correct option.
the charge was then removed and refunded on my next bill.
07-11-2023 08:20 AM
I am sorry this happened and full roaming was not set up for you @princenelson2
Thanks for coming back with an update and for helping @Scooby-doo93