19-01-2024 12:14 PM
Hello, I’m a bit confused, yesterday I’ve received message that calls and data in free in Ukraine and today morning got none , everything is blocked and I can’t call or text anyone except using wi-fi. Can you clarify this please ?
many thanks
19-01-2024 01:15 PM
Are the symptoms identical across all 3 Ukraine networks? When you say you can call over WiFi, do you mean using an app such as WhatsApp, Messenger or Skype? If so - all that proves is your phone has a working internet connection.
22-01-2024 09:20 AM
Hi all.
Some of our customers have incorrectly been sent a text to say their usage would be free of charge. Sorry for any confusion this might have caused. Because of this, we will cover the costs of calls, texts and data used in Ukraine from January 10th to 23rd (inclusive).
You don’t need to do anything, and will see this reflected on your bills.
17-12-2024 04:24 PM
So it would appear that EE decided to shun the urging of the European Commission to continue including calls to and from Ukraine....
Frankly, quite shameful. EE are not a small company. The charges to and from Ukraine are extortionate, and given the situation frankly heartless.
£7.50 a day to use one's allowance in Ukraine is simply extraordinary. A disgrace.