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Microsoft Authentication


Wondering if anyone else has had any problems trying to sign into their work Microsoft account from home? 

Recently I have had no luck when trying to authenticate my account using my mobile number. It seems Microsoft can't get any messages or phone calls through to my mobile. I have even removed all my blocked numbers and removed any other safety measures to ensure the text or call can come through to authenticate my account. So far no luck.

Former EE Employee

Hi @Speshtiny.


Welcome to the community.


Can you double check the number is the correct number?


Do you receive all other authentication messages?



Grand Master
Grand Master

Hi @Speshtiny 


This is a MS issue as I have the same problem and my works phone is 02. Sometimes it doesn't work or the authorisation on my phone doesn't work. It normally means you need to go into the authenticator app. 


Alternatively I got my IT department to reset me up and it worked fine then. 




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EE standard opening hours are 8am to 10.30pm every day.

hi everyone,


Thank you for your suggestions. I got our head of IT on the case and after a bit of digging, we found the problem.

On the MS authenticator, it seems that a request was denied. This automatically locks your account for 90 days. So when I was at work, I was able to access my system as the request was running through our servers. But when I went home, MS detected that I was not at work and required authenticating. As the system was in lockdown, it couldn't send a text or call my mobile number. 

Our IT guru, removed the lockdown and everything fired back up, text messages for authentication flooded through and all is good. 

I hope this makes sense and helps anyone in the future. 

Thank you